Hi, My name is Sean Kelly Noh. As a Sociology Major and CW Minor at Stony Brook University, I have a resonating passion for how social interaction and grouping defines the standards of any given culture.
What do we live for? Essentially I believe that in todays society, we primarily live for “hotness” and “health.”
To me, hotness and health are relative terms, they are defined by choice. I believe that perception alters our earnest reflection of what “hotness” is — for me, I value hotness as the intrinsic self worth we build over time after recovering from past trauma. Hotness goes beyond beauty for me, it it is the way beauty shines out of a person who can make themself whole. The correlation between “health” and “hotness” seems absolute to me, in that I believe that the people who are capable of taking care of themselves first can ultimately change the world.
Of course, I was raised in a specific circumstance unique to my personal life path. My bias is a result of the environment and consequential events that led me to this exact moment. My definitions aren’t yours, because my life isn’t yours.
Which leads us here. Are you ready?
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