Q: Thank you for contributing to “For Hotness&Health”, let’s start with some general information. What’s your age, sex, and origin?
A: 21, Female, Manhattan
Q: How do you define hotness?
A: I think there is a partial physical aspect but more of it comes from what a person says. There’s an initial intrigue based on what a person looks like but to get the whole picture I need to hear what they have to say. Words can make someone more or less attractive.
Q: How do you define health?
A: Healllthhh. I think it’s a lot about self care because even though some people are naturally skinny or thin it doesn’t mean their healthy. It has more to do with how you’re taking care of yourself- you’re water intake, your mindfulness. Even someone with a chiseled physique could struggle with steroids, it can’t be based on physical
Q: Do you see a correlation between “hotness” and “health”?
A: Yes, because part of what someone says, like if I hear they’re taking good care of themselves, I find that more attractive.
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