Hi Everyone! My name is Kim Marko and I am an HDV Fellow. I am a Marine Science Major from Ronkonkoma, NY. In addition to being an HDV Fellow, I am also an Orientation Leader, Club Field Hockey Team Member, Research Assistant and participate in the Marine Science Club and Hall Council.
My biggest piece of advice is to step out of your comfort zone. Maybe its signing up for a class that has nothing to do with your major, auditioning for a dance team, joining a new club or a sports team, what ever it is do it. The reason I say this is because if you don’t push yourself to new comfort levels you’re going to get bored. In the fall of my sophomore year I decided to join a club sport team. I was terrified because I didn’t know anyone on the team and I didn’t know if i would even be any good, but it was one of the best decisions I could have made. Now every week I get to hang out with a bunch of awesome people and get to play a sport I ended up loving and its a great little escape from all the school work. Things will change, you may not be as close to your friends that you made freshmen year or maybe you may decided you want to change your major to something completely different, and thats fine. College is all about change, don’t be afraid of it, embrace it and see where it takes you.