Monthly Archives: May 2018

Advice for your First-Year at Stony Brook

Hi! My name is Nicole Hurowitz and I am an HDV Fellow! I will be sophomore and I am a BA in Psychology Major. In addition to being a Fellow, I am also a member of the Commuter Student Association and the Psychology Student Alliance.

My advice for your first year is to take the opportunity to go to your professors’ office hours and explore new areas of interest while you can. I learned that writing down the dates for upcoming exams, quizzes, etc. in a planner kept me very organized. Don’t let the “commuter status” feel like a disadvantage; There are plenty of opportunities to make new friends with other commuters and residents, such as joining clubs, attending sports games and HDV events. Even if you are not a STEM major (like I am), it may be easy to feel intimidated; However, it’s not so bad being different 🙂 Most importantly, don’t be afraid to be yourself and have fun!