More Than One Way To Acquire A Disease

            Just as a sneeze can indicate anything from the common cold to HIV, symptoms of a potential mental disorder would need thorough investigation and testing before it could be classed as schizophrenia. Due to this, there is a need to know the multiple symptoms as well as in depth testing in order to correctly diagnose schizophrenia.

            Due to the many physical symptoms associated with the disorder, it is crucial to recognize symptoms of all illnesses. Several diseases, such as PTSD, bipolar disorder, and brain tumors can all be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia (source 3). The first group is known as positive symptoms, which are noticeable psychotic symptoms that are not recognizable in the general population. Hallucinations fall into this category, where one sees images or hears sounds that are non-existent.  However, seeing a person being set on fire or an eagle flying in a pool is not the sole indicator.

            Delusions and changes in thought are more common positive indicators, where no matter how logical or factual an idea is a the person refuses to accept the its validity. The delusions can range anywhere from the mundane to the impossible. Parents should not be too concerned if their 5 year old child thinks that a monster lives under his bed. However, concern should arise in cases like John Nash, where he believed Nazis were following his every movement and that everyone who wore red ties were a part of the communist party. In the child’s case, a monster under the bed is a common childhood fear which eventually disappears as the child matures. On the hand, a Princeton educated professor imagining that members of the communist party can be identified by the color of their ties has serious mental health implications.

            Besides the positive symptoms, there exists some negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Negative symptoms, which are notable because they are disturbances from normal behavior. They can also be harder to recognize. These can include finding little enjoyment in previously-liked activities and daily life, limited speech even when engaged, and incompletion of planned events.

            It is no one’s fault when someone is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Patience and understanding are crucial when dealing with an ailing individual. So instead of screaming at a schizophrenic for seeing a unicorn, try to understand that he/she isn’t doing it to drive you insane. Schizophrenics can lead fulfilling lives and the support of those close to them and medication helps. Realize that it’s not their fault and cope with it as best as possible.



“Schizophrenia.” NIMH RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. ,



“John F. Nash Jr. – Biographical.” John F. Nash Jr. – Biographical. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

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