Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders (EDs)/ ē’tĭng dɪsˈɔrdərz/
1. Eating disorders make it hard to: manage healthy eating habits and exercise; maintain an accurate perception of one’s own body image.
Eating disorders are often looked at as a choice, a conscious decision someone with low self esteem makes to stop eating. We blame or we pity those people with eating disorders because of the “choices” they’ve made. The reality remains that no one chooses to have an eating disorder nor does anyone purposely choose to continue their unhealthy eating habits even after being told of how dangerous they can be. Eating disorders is a disorder that deserves to be treated and respected as such.
There are a myriad of factors both biological and social that can lead to the development and sustenance of eating disorders and its important to understand these factors to understand the disorder. The occurrence of eating disorders is on the rise and the way we look and treat this disorder play a large role in how we can tackle that rise in frequency.
Read on to get a better understanding of this unnervingly common disorder.