Behind “A Trip Down Memory Lane”

I decided to divulge into my personal life for my final project so my audience could genuinely understand the sentiment behind some of my projects. In 2009, I lost my father to an aggressive cancer which ultimately, altered what life was for me. I figured I could somewhat incorporate our “alternate perception” project into more of a situation that has altered my perception of the world. To this day, when we talk about my dad I try to avoid thinking of when he was ill and no longer himself. I try to always think of when he was happy and healthy, so I thought what better way to do that then look at old pictures of him. I photographed my dads best friend’s family, and my family. I only focused on the hands because I didn’t want it to take away from the main focus of this project – my dad. I asked each person to find a favorite picture of theirs with him, and I proceeded to photograph. I used a small aperture setting to get the intimate focus on the picture with a medium shutter speed. I really enjoyed this project, and hope you do too!

