Justin Salino

video Info
  • Advisor: Jason Paradis


    For this series of paintings, I wanted to focus on the five main colors that have made up my core palette. Them being white, black, red, gold, and turquoise. With these colors being limited, I wished to challenge myself to make a cohesive body of work while pushing the compositions to their limit. The addition of a gradual progression in size was a concept I had picked up in ARS 352 last semester. The concept being to show both visual and metaphoric growth in the work, and in myself. In exploring the application of paint and form, I found a greater appreciation for the mediums. The paintings are starting to boarder mixed media, with every piece having some aspect of texture and 3D elements. The end goal is to display a variety of interplaying paintings, with an emphasis on simplistic compositions. By keeping the form very geometric and focusing on simplicity, the appreciation of color becomes more prevalent.

    Date: August 2021
    Size: 20″x20″
    Medium: Acrylic paint and crackle paste on canvas


    Date: September 2021
    Size: 20″x30″
    Medium: Acrylic paint and modeling paste on canvas


    Date: October 2021
    Size: 24″x36″
    Medium: Acrylic paint and wood on canvas


    Date: November 2021
    Medium: Acrylic paint, wood, and crackle paste on canvas


    Date: December 2021
    Size: 36″x48″
    Medium: Acrylic paint and spray paint on canvas


    Date: November 2021 Size: 48″x60″ Medium: Acrylic paint and gold leaf on canvas