“Upside Down and Inside Out” Research and Poem (Essay)


This final project is an art book I created of visual representations of what it feels like to grow up with and live with ADHD.  I’ve done a bit of research on it and found symptoms of it for both children and adults.  This book focuses mainly on the childhood view of it, however, I may extend the book and add a few more pages representing adult life with ADHD.  ADHD people have what’s called atypical brains.  They are just wired slightly different than the average person.  What many people don’t know is many types of atypical diagnoses are linked together.  For example people living with ADHD are 6 times more likely to have another psychiatric disorder or learning disability, such as dyslexia, anxiety, depression, or OCD.  Children with ADHD can be hyperactive, and have trouble sitting still or paying attention.  They often fidget and can be disorganized and forgetful.  This follows a person into adulthood.  They tend to lose important items such as homework papers, or as adults; their keys or wallet.  It is common for people with ADHD to have trouble starting a task, especially if they don’t have an interest in it.  It is also common to have several started, yet unfinished tasks. They also underestimate the length of time something needs to get done and often will be struggling to finish by a deadline (like I am doing as I type this), or they are often late to places.  They often seem to be lazy in the eyes of others.  They often have trouble relaxing and tend to be edgy or tense.  They can have trouble controlling emotions.  Sometimes they may have angry outbursts over minor situations.  They will explode and then just as quickly as they got angry they will be calm again, and even forgot what they were mad at. They may also sometimes be viewed as rude, because they can often interrupt, finish other people’s sentences or talk over someone.  They find it hard to pay attention during long conversations and often trail off or daydream.  They can be easily distracted by little things that other people tend to ignore.  For example they could be in a business meeting and a loud truck driving by will take their attention away from the meeting, when everyone else barely noticed it. People living will ADHD may have problems such as compulsive eating, substance abuse, insomnia, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Poem (Essay)

Wide awake.

It’s 2AM.

I toss and turn as I lie in bed.

I tried warm milk.

soothing tunes.

salt lamp. crystals. meditation…

I hear something.

Kitties.  Running downstairs.


Still awake.

Body Aches.  Running on E.

Brain in overdrive.

Fully energized.


Tomorrow is gonna suck.

I need quiet.  I need calm.

Binaural beats.

Thoughts are too loud.

I wanna cry.

Too hot.

Blanket off.

Ugh!  Too cold!

Blanket on.

I have to pee.


References and Influences:



Mayo clinic

Finding Nemo

The Unicorn Store

My 7 year old cousin, Addy

Dr. Brain game