Monthly Archives: July 2015

InnovateLI’s Article on the Innovation Lab!

InnovateLI, an online news site covering startups, biotech, IT, and clean energy on Long Island, recently wrote an article on the Innovation lab!

The Lab’s Director, David Ecker, and team member Samiha Shakil, were interviewed on what we do, have done, and are planning to do at the Innovation lab.

The article sheds light on how Stony Brook University’s Innovation Lab is a unique space on campus where students from all backgrounds can get together to design and build new products. It also focused in on the workshops and competitions that we offer and will be offering, such as the soldering workshop and our first pitch night!

InnovateLI seemed extremely impressed with all of our outreach efforts, such as our WISE workshops and our participation in the LI MakerFest.

Having this article done on the lab is very reassuring and motivating as we move forward!




The Innovation Lab is a space on campus where students, from all majors, can come to create, build, learn, and network.


The Lab has a ton of free resources–ranging from wrenches, wire, to CAD software and a Green Screen–that all Stony Brook students have access to; some of our most notable tools are our 3D printers, Vinyl Cutter, Silk Screen, graphics and programming software, littleBits, Arduino,and virtual reality devices (for more information on all of the items we have in the lab, click the Tools and Resources

tab above).


Throughout the semester,  we will be hosting a variety of workshops that will cover how to use various tools in the lab, elements of entrepreneurship, how to create a brand, and many others. We are open to suggestions if anyone has a workshop or competition they would like to see put into action.


If you have an idea you want to create, a class project you can use some of our tools for, or even a desire to just try out some new technology, come to Harriman 210!



The Innovation Lab





3D Printed Music

Ever wonder what it would be like to see music?

Recently, Allison Wood and Kei Gowda began a startup called Reify which focuses around not only hearing music, but seeing it.

Reify turns sound waves into 3-D printed sculptures that play the sound back with an augmented reality app. Wood models her startup on the neurological phenomenon Synesthesia.

Synesthesia occurs when the stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway produces automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. In the case of music, synesthetes generally tend to see colors and form. Many famous musicians have been said to have Synesthesia; most recently, it’s been Kanye West…


With Reify, Wood and Gowda aim to allow non-synesthetes the ability to experience music visually—digital synesthesia.

Reify designs a totem—a 3D printed object that represents the song—using Echo Nest API to analyze its rhythm, structure, amplification, harmony, etc. All of this data correlates to physical attributes such as weight, height, and mass. The form of the totem is finalized once the artist evaluates it, and decides whether it is a worthy representation of their work.


To hear the 3D printed musical sculpture, one must use the Reify augmented reality app. When the totem is in front of the camera, the app reads its form and will play the song to you on your phone, and begins to animate your screen—replicating the actual experience of Synesthesia.

As of now, Reify is still in its early stages as a startup, but hopefully we will see more of them in the near future!

iLab T-Shirts!

The Innovation Lab team just recently designed and made their own t-shirts!

The t-shirts include the Innovation Lab’s logo, motto, #SBUcreate, and the lab’s associations (College of Business and Research Technologies). See images below for a peek at the shirt.


The creation of the Innovation Lab’s t-shirts not only mark another step in the lab’s progress of displaying their identity and values, but also serve as a landmark in the development of the I-lab team!

This summer the Innovation Lab hired many new employees from all disciplines, ranging from Chemical Engineering to English. Being a cross-disciplinary lab, having staff from a variety of majors has helped in developing and making the lab a place for all students, no matter what they study.

Be prepared to see the I-Lab shirts this summer and the upcoming semester, as the iLab team will continue to expand and make its presence known on campus!


WISE Workshop Part 1!

Last week on Wednesday, July 1st, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), brought their members to the Innovation Lab to learn about the lab and the technology we offer. The members that came were between the ages of 12-13.

Upon entering the lab, members of our team, Nancy, Allisha, Ellie, and Samiha, took them on an orientation of the lab to inform and acquaint them about the facility. The WISE members were given two presentations: one on the Green Screen and another on the 3D printer and 3D printing.


Members of the Innovation Lab team demonstrated to WISE students how to use the 3D printer, how to use TinkerCad–a 3D printing software–,how to explore with Google Cardboard, and how to take pictures using the Green Screen and use Green Screen apps.

WISE students quickly learned the information taught to them, and did not hesitate to get right started on designing with TinkerCad, taking Green Screen photos, and 3D printing.


As a complimentary gift, the Lab gave each member a 3D printed photo frame, in order for the WISE students to place their Green Screen photos in.

We look forward to seeing all of them again!

If you have an organization or club interested in visiting the lab, please contact us at:


What? A Post-it Speaker?

Do not be so surprised when you hear music coming from your post-it notes. Yes, you’ve read that correctly; music from your post-it notes.

post-it-noteRecently, David Sheinkopf, director of education at New York’s Pioneer Works Center for Art and Innovation, discovered a way to turn a post-it note into a speaker. Sheinkopf explained the process as such, “Run a current through a coil of wire, and you have an electromagnet. This pushes and pulls against a fixed magnet next to it, turning magnetomotive force into motion, which moves the Post-it and disturbs the air around it.” The disturbances this process creates are transformed into sound once they reach your eardrum.

copper wire


So whats needed in order to build the post-it speaker, you may be wondering? The items are fairly simple and easy to find. You need a post-it note, a magnet wire, a strong magnet, clear tape, alligator clips, a male-to-male headphone cable, scissors, and sandpaper.

To begin making the speaker you have to prepare the magnet wire. This is done by taking 120 cm of wire and sanding away the thin enamel at the ends. This step allows the underneath copper to become visible. Next, you wind the wire around your finger, leaving 5cm at each end. Once the wire is removed from your finger, it should resemble a donut shape. The clear tape should then be used to maintain the shape.

Once the magnet wire has been prepared, you must attach the post-it note. This is done by taping your magnet to a surface and then placing the post-it note on top of the magnet. Next, tape the donut in the centre of the post-it, so it sits directly on top of the magnet.

Almost finished. After the donut is taped to the magnet, you attach the alligator clips to one end of the headphone cable. Sheinkopf says to “clip a length of prepared wire to the tip of the jack and another to the next segment. Attach the two other ends to the magnet wires coming off your wire loop.” After this, in order to begin listening, you plug the opposite end of the headphone cable into a phone or media player.


post is speaker


And voila! You’ve made your very own post-it speaker. To obtain the best listening experience, it is advised that you press your ear against the surface the speaker is taped to.