The Exigency of Life is 42

My primary exigency for choosing the scene that I did is obviously for a good grade (hopefully). Although, I also hoped to get something else out of the text and have fun while doing it. This is my secondary exigency. I chose a scene from the show “My Hero Academia” which argues that one of its characters is a powerful immoral threat that is worth being afraid of in his actions, although is also correct and moral in his words. I chose this particular scene because it greatly represents what is going on in the world right now and even during out history. It represents the phenomenon which basically says that there is no black or white, but rather a gray area of morality. It isn’t about what you stand for, but rather how you go about standing for it. It is a contradiction of a good cause paired with a bad way to act upon that cause.

It matters to break down the scene because it allows me to further delve into the area of gray morality in our society and understand it better. This was a great area of study already during the civil rights era (1950s and 1960s) and is still apparent today. I believe studying this scene will allow me to better understand both sides of the gray area of morality in civil rights in the world today. That understanding will then help me to expand my thinking and even better my writing. Learning to identify both sides quicker and understand them better would greatly improve my argumentative writing itself by allowing me to better connect with my audience and material.


One thought on “The Exigency of Life is 42

  1. kseri

    Hi James,

    Thanks for your post. This is interesting. Is it a TV show or a comic type thing? I’m curious if you’ll be analyzing the image you posted here or more of a live scene that has a little more in it. I don’t know if I’m missing it, but I’m not sure I completely understand the image you posted. (Maybe I’m just unfamiliar with the genre!) Keep that in mind, however, as you move forward. It may need some additional context or explanation.

    I like what you talk about in terms of exigency and the idea of gray areas in morality, etc. That all sounds great. I’m eager to see the connection between the scene you’ve chosen and this idea of morality in civil rights. Definitely do what you can to connect that to our current issues.

    Good job so far. I look forward to reading more.


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