The development of Mathematical maturity and relation to video games

Shoutout to for giving me a methodology to study, not only for actuary exams, but mathematics as a whole!

The Beginning of My Journey into  the Wonderful World of Mathematics

As an avid gamer, I’ve came upon the aforementioned site and my mind was blown by the beautiful, simplicity of trying problems out; before tackling the actual concepts. I’ve struggled to make the transition from a strong science background to the beautiful and often vexing, yet enrapturing world of mathematics.

I began my journey back in 2015.  I took a break from work for a semester, to become an actuary (which is still in progress, with exams to be passed and technical skills that need to be rectified).  The first class I took really challenged me to start thinking out-of-the-box: more so than I did already. Multi-variable calculus with Linear Algebra was meant for undergraduate math majors.  I didn’t pass the class, possibly due to the fact you can’t get anything lower than a C with the graduate grading scheme.

Anyway, that is a whole other story altogether.  The real reason for me writing this short blog, is to detail my journey, as both an introspective journal and a possible inspiration for young friends, looking to either transition into mathematics or are looking to become actuaries.  I feel it is my responsibility to impart my knowledge and experience in 7+ years as a sleep technologist and the rigor/difficulties of transitioning into a very tough, analytical field to get into.

With this digression, I come to the actual Multivariable/Lin algebra class that inspired me to begin this journey.  The professor was excellent and the graduate TA was excellent at explaining things.  But, where I really got the most benefit, was my tutor at the academic tutoring center at Stony Brook university.  This young man had an absolutely thorough understanding of the material and also explained things to a layman, like myself.  Our talks led me to become more and in love with the subject of multivariable calculus.  I know now that what I learned in that class is quite applicable to higher levels of topology, including manifolds and application of Green’s/Stokes’ theorems.  I have found what is equivalent to the abstract concept of a mistress, for a mind yearning for knowledge!

Mathematical Maturity

This topic is clearly something that I’m just beginning to touch upon.  I have just had my first day in an Abstract Algebra, second-semester classroom and a Complex Analysis classroom.  What I found so fascinating, was that the topics in Complex Analysis correlated very closely to the study of bilinear forms and transformations to the complex plane in Abstract Algebra!  Clearly, I was lost in the Algebra class.  However, seeing it on the board a second-time helped to somewhat plant an idea in my mind: an Inception-like phenomena, for those Inception movie fans out there.

The professors were both truly passionate about the topics were teaching, which I find absolutely fantastic!  Though I may not have had a semester of group theory, field theory, tensor products etc., I was able to follow the idea of mapping, which was found in both Abstract Algebra and Complex Analysis.  With rudimentary knowledge in linear algebra, I am still trying to process all that was learned, in this block of about 3 hours of lecture.

One thing I found on mathematical forums, was an opinion, where proofs should be taught with the class.  Analysis is a very rudimentary part of mathematics and I believe it can be learned via practice.  Still, I ended up getting a proof book that showed some analytical techniques for group theory, so I have an idea on how to proceed for proofs of this nature.  At this point, I love reading and understanding proofs.  I have a lot of work to developing the skillset of writing proofs, though I have some exposure to proof by induction (due to studying Marcel Finan’s exam P manual, which has beautiful proofs for probability theory).

I believe that mathematical maturity can be obtained, by taking these difficult classes.  For a lover of mathematics, I am taking Abstract Algebra and Complex Analysis for fun.  I believe a student of from any major can benefit from taking on rigorous class on mathematics or applied mathematics.  Mathematical maturity helps to think more abstractly and logically; very important in this chaotic, yet beautiful thing we call life.

Thank you and I hope this blog helps career-changers and younger folks out there!


Update: Self-studying Abstract Algebra and Complex Analysis at my leisure, so I can study for actuary exam P!

Life and Mathematics

Growing up and studying mathematics in early education, we all said, when are we going to ever use this stuff?  As mentioned in the last post, focusing on thought-provoking activities, like reading a fantasy novel or doing math problems allows for one to think beyond the banal; giving chase to the extraordinary.

My grandfather was a mathematics professor and my dad loved studying mathematics in school.  I believe that there is an interest that I didn’t even see was there.  I was at a tutoring session for my Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra class and I picked a random question, wanting to know about parametrization of surfaces in general.  Instead, I learned about a specific example of parametric surfaces, called surfaces of revolution.  By the end of the session, I was left in a daze.  However, as I drove home, things fell into place and my mind was blown.  I learn best audio cues, so hearing math from a peer is an amazing tool.  Surfaces of revolution really got me to really love mathematics as a whole!

Contine reading

Fantasy, Reality and the Workplace

One of my favorite genres of reading is the fantasy genre.  It lets the mind soar to new heights and really teaches you how to ‘think out of the box’.  On my blog, I have placed some ‘interesting links’ to book series that really engaged my mind to beautiful new worlds and great magics.

Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive series is a rich with detail and great characterization.  You want to relate to the characters that are portrayed their.  They go through very real development, such as one character’s drive to become a great scholar, as well as saving her family.  I really enjoy how he brings humanity to the characters in his series.

Why bring up fantasy books?  I believe with the choice of actuarial science as new career, you really need to think ‘out of the box’ and have the vision to solve complex problems.

Contine reading

Collaborative Skillsets in Day-to-Day Life

For the first four years after I first walked down the big lawn of Stony Brook University in August 2009, I walked into many different science classes dreading f an upcoming midterm. But somehow, I completed the BS in Biology and took my MCAT, which didn’t turn out the way I expected. After so much of my youthful days spent in college, I wasn’t sure what I would do next. What can I do next?  How marketable is a degree in General Biology? I didn’t realize that over the next six years, as I entered the workforce,

I toiled over what to do next and what I can do besides getting a low-paying office job.  A letter comes in the mail talking about Polysomnographic Technology (Sleep Technology).  I read the description: “Wow! Working with doctors? Fifty to sixty thousand dollars a year! Sign me up!”  I apply for the program and get in and begin my studies in sleep technology.

Contine reading

Blogfolios: Tool of the Future

With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, human society exploded both socially and economically; the current technological revolution involving the Internet is so dramatic that we run out of metaphors.  The novelty and sheer volume of new applications and their affordances are so overwhelming that we often take them at face-value and tend to forget how we can shape our careers with them  One of such powerful technologies that are emerging today would be the “blogfolios,” which, as the name indicates, is a professional portfolio that is combined with a blog. After reading two articles on the “blogfiolio” this week, I was inspired to think about presenting my ideas, sharing my ambition and hopefully inspiring others, and influencing prospective employers by showcasing my skillsets through this blogfolio.

Contine reading