Vision Statement

We are building this calendar/database as it would help connect the people who use the Jazz Loft in their everyday lives to the services offered by the Jazz Loft. Our calendar/database will be different from other database software as it will involve an interactive component to help the user understand what type of event or service is being offered within the Jazz Loft.

Problem Statement:

The problem of the Jazz Loft not having a proper calendar database system affects the community that accesses the Jazz Loft, the impact which is the community may miss events as there is not a centralized place where the Jazz Loft can post all of their information and have their visitors interact with. A successful solution would be a calendar/database software that would be able to tell exactly when events are and have visitors be able to interact with the event descriptions online by doing actions such as RSVP.

Product Position Statement:

For visitors of the Jazz Loft

Who are trying to find out about events happening in the Jazz Loft

Our system of software that would display events and have options such as learn more or sign up to attend the event

Unlike other calendar software, we plan to have items such as a learn more and info about the event happening that would be triggered after the user presses on the event

Our product will be different as it focuses on an easy interactive component that gives a sneak peek about what the event is about and bring interest to the said event.

Users: The users will be volunteers and visitors of the jazz loft. Volunteers would upload their events to the software and the users would use the software to see what type of events are available for them to go to. Computer expectations would be to be able to use the internet.

Feature List: The calendar must provide the event, the time, the location, a description and if the event permits, a small sample of either a picture or a video/audio clip.

Constraints: Time to develop might be a constraint as there are a lot of small tasks that need to be done in the software, and we might not be able to realize the full extent of the project that we have discussed. Also capabilities of the website the Jazz Loft is running on could cause some problems with the complexity of software that we use.