
Mar 6, 2025: Jen wins the Stony Brook Foundation Discovery Prize.

Discovery Prize presentation.

Discovery Prize presentation (photo by John Griffin).

Research group at Discovery Prize reception.

Discovery Prize reception (photo by John Griffin).

Feb 1, 2025: Sayed’s paper “Altermagnetic Routes to Majorana Modes in Zero Net Magnetization” is selected as part of the PRL Collection of the Year — one of only 14 papers in the Condensed Matter and Materials category!

Jan 13, 2025: Valentin’s paper “Efficient prediction of superlattice and anomalous mini band topology from quantum geometry” is published in PRX. Congrats Valentin!

Nov 4, 2024: Sergey’s paper “Charge density waves with nontrivial orbital textures in rare earth tritellurides” is published as an Editor’s Suggestion in PRB. Congrats Sergey!

October 11, 2024: wrote an article on Sayed and Yuan’s paper “Quantum Geometry Induced Nonlinear Transport in Altermagnets.” Congrats Sayed and Yuan!

September 13, 2024: First dinner of our Simons Center program “Non-Hermitian topology, geometry and symmetry across physical platforms”.

Dinner at the Curry Club in Port Jefferson

Dinner at the Curry Club in Port Jefferson

September 5, 2024: Sayed has two papers published in the same issue of Physical Review Letters as Editor’s Suggestions! Read them here: Quantum geometry induced nonlinear transport in altermagnets and Altermagnetic routes to Majorana modes in zero net magnetization. Congrats Sayed and Yuan, and also thanks to Taylor Hughes for a nice collaboration!

September 3, 2024: Our Simons Center program “Non-Hermitian topology, geometry, and symmetry across physical platforms” is underway!

September 1, 2024: Lei Chen joins the group — welcome to Stony Brook!

July 29, 2024: Congrats Xuance on your successful thesis defense!

July 2024: Cano group takes on the Princeton Summer School on Condensed Matter Physics!

Dathan, Andreas, Nabil, and Sayed (L-R)  at the IAS during the PSSCMP

June 19, 2024: Our paper Emergent flat band and topological Kondo semimetal driven by orbital-selective correlations, led by Lei Chen and Qimiao Si, is published in Nature Communications. Thank you for another great collaboration!

June 7, 2024: Yongxin’s paper Sublattice Structure and Topology in Spontaneously Crystallized Electronic States is selected for Editor’s Suggestion in PRL. Thanks Yongxin, Daniele, Valentin and Andy for another great collaboration.

May 14, 2024: Congrats Aaron on your Doctoral Hooding!

Aaron and Jen at Aaron's doctoral hooding

Aaron’s Doctoral Hooding ceremony

May 2, 2024: Introducing Dr. Dunbrack! Congrats Aaron on your thesis defense.

Lunch to celebrate Aaron's thesis defense

Green Tea to celebrate Aaron’s thesis defense

November 2024: Our paper Mott insulators with boundary zeros, led by Niklas Wagner and Giorgio Sangiovanni, is published in Nature Communications. Thanks team for a great collaboration!

August 2023: Nicolás’s paper on fractional Chern insulators in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides and Valentin and Daniele’s paper on topological superconductivity in doped moiré heterostructures were selected as Editor’s Suggestions in PRR and PRL. Congrats Nicolás, Valentin, Daniele, and collaborators!

June 22, 2023: Introducing Dr. Fang! Congrats Yuan on your thesis defense!

Lunch at Green Tea to celebrate Yuan's thesis defense.

Green Tea to celebrate Yuan’s thesis defense

May 17, 2023: Congrats Yuan on your Doctoral Hooding!

Yuan Fang doctoral hooding ceremony

Yuan’s Doctoral Hooding ceremony

May 15, 2023: Sayed and Aaron’s paper “Topological and Stacked Flat Bands in Bilayer Graphene with a Superlattice Potential,” the outcome of an exciting collaboration with our experimental team of Jiacheng Sun and Xu Du at SBU, and Ahmed Abouelkomsan at Stockholm University, is published in PRL as an Editor’s Suggestion! Read it here. Department highlight.

May 2023: Congrats to Yuan Fang for winning the Max Dresden prize for the best thesis in theoretical physics!!

March-June 2023: Our KITP program “A Quantum Universe in a Crystal: Symmetry and Topology across the Correlation Spectrum” is happening! Co-organized by Jen, Taylor Hughes, Qimiao Si and Senthil Todadri.

Hiking on Santa Cruz Island

Group hike to Santa Cruz Island during KITP visit

Qimiao and Jen at Santa Cruz Islands

Qimiao and Jen happy that we organized the program

March 2023: Conferences are back: Yuan and Aaron gave talks at their first APS March Meeting. Sayed and Jen went straight from APS to the Aspen Center for physics for the winter workshop “Novel Quantum States of Matter in Moire Materials,” co-organized by Jen, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Jie Shan, and Ali Yazdani.

Dec 2022: Congratulations Mat on your MA degree!

Sept 15, 2022: Our paper “Topological semimetal driven by strong correlations and crystalline symmetry” and accompanying Research Briefing are published in Nature Physics. Thanks to great collaborators Maia Vergniory, Silke Paschen, and Qimiao Si.

Aug 30, 2022: Jie’s last day at CCQ. Congrats on your new position at Harvard! We will miss you, please visit often!

Jie’s last day at CCQ

Aug 24, 2022: Aaron’s paper on magic angle conditions for topological insulator surface states is selected as an Editor’s Suggestion in PRB. Congrats!

Summer 2022: Conferences are back. We visited the Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems; the Princeton Summer School on Condensed Matter Physics; the Novel Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials conference in San Sebastian; the Novel States of Matter and Topological Particles in Bulk Quantum Materials workshop at the Aspen Center for Physics; and the Quantum Science Summer School at UCSB.

May 2022: Congrats to Yuan Fang for winning the Peter B. Kahn prize for his research on classifying higher order Fermi arcs in Dirac semimetals!

SBU grad student prize winners!

March 2022: Cano group goes to March Meeting!! Aaron made an excellent presentation summarizing our paper on magic angle conditions for 3D twisted topological insulators:

Feb 15, 2022: Jen is awarded the Sloan Fellowship! SBU press release, Flatiron Institute press release

Dec 1, 2021: Yuan’s paper classifying Dirac points with higher order Fermi arcs is selected as an Editor’s Suggestion in PRB. Congrats!

Nov 15, 2021: Sayed and Jen visit the Rice Center for Quantum Materials for their first in-person conference in 1.5 years.

Aug 2021: Sayed Ghorashi moves to Stony Brook as a post doc. Welcome!

Aug 5, 2021: Congrats Dr. Sahal Kaushik on a great thesis defense!

July 2021: Our summer workshop “Electronic Topology Across the Correlation Spectrum” took place LIVE at the Aspen Center for Physics. Co-organized by Jen, Peter Armitage, Silke Buehler-Paschen, and Qimiao Si.

May 2021: Yuan Fang and Sahal Kaushik share the 2021 Gerald Brown Prize for their research on topological materials!

March 2020: Jennifer Cano receives NSF Career award!

September 2019: Young Research Leaders in Topological Materials and Beyond was a great success!
Co-organized by Jen, Lukas Muechler and Liang Wu at the Flatiron Institute.

Young Research Leaders group photo (Photo credit: Emily Tan)