PHY 556 Spring 2019: Final paper topics and guidelines


Choose a research paper (suggested papers below) related to the topics covered in the class for a final presentation and paper.

The final presentation will be 10mins + 5mins for questions. The presentation should clearly explain what problem the paper is trying to solve and why it is important. The goal is to teach your classmates, as well as to demonstrate your understanding. The presentation must be on slides — no chalk talks.

The final paper should not exceed 4 pages. The goal of the paper is to explain the topic in your own words. You are welcome to consult other references. The paper is due at our exam time (Fri, May 17, 11:15am, P-123.)  Late papers will not be accepted!!! You are welcome to hand in the paper earlier. Papers can be emailed.

You are welcome to suggest a topic not on the list below, although it is subject to my approval. The paper should be classic or foundational.

I will write names next to the papers as they are taken.

Final presentation schedule

All students are expected to attend all talks! Presenters please come 5mins early to set up.

Tues, May 7 10am: Chuhang Liu, Tianyu He, Siddharth Sehgal, Gabriel Jose Goulart Cardoso, Yuan Fang

Thurs, May 9 10am: Tudor Ciobanu, Theodore Sauyet, Hanchen Liu, Tianqi Zhao, Zijian Song

Fri, May 17 11:15am in P-123 (NOT B-131!): Alec Wills, Aaron Dunbrack, Ziwen Rui, Junchao Xu, Pedro Mercado Lozano, Gaurang Parkar


(Aaron) Mermin-Wagner theorem:

Jackiw-Rebbi model (solitons at domain wall):

SSH model (solitons in polyacetylene):

(Junchao) Haldane model (quantum Hall effect without Landau levels):

“Gang of four” scaling theory of localization:

(Tudor) Anderson localization:

Many body localization:

Goldstone modes:

(Gaurang) AKLT model (valence bond ground states in antiferromagnets):

Rokhsar-Kivelson model (resonating valence bond solid):

(Zijian) Higgs mechanism: (application to superconductivity by Anderson:

Topological defects in order parameters:

(Hanchen) Bosonization and the Luttinger Liquid: Sec. 4 of

(Tianyu) Effective field theory for fractional quantum Hall:

(Teddy) Quantum Hall effect on a lattice (TKNN):

Laughlin theory of quantum Hall effect:

(Chuhang) Z2 Topological insulator:

(Yuan) Kitaev model for Majorana fermions in quantum wires:

(Gabriel) Kitaev periodic table for topological insulators and superconductors:

(Siddharth) Time crystals:

(Ziwen) Physics of three dimensional bosonic topological insulators: 

(Tianqi) Superfluidity in neutron stars:

(Pedro) Chiral kinetic theory: 

(Alec) GW method: