Interactive EPUB – A Dream Come True

Log Line:

A girl dreams of an accident and tries to stop it from happening.


The story starts off with a boy walking across the street and during this time, a car appears and crashes into the boy. As soon as this happens, a girl wakes up and realizes it’s all a dream. But her dream keeps bothering her because it seems so hyper realistic. She sees the boy from her dream in real life and decides that she needs to save the boy, so she runs after him. There are two choices where she either runs left or right. Both choices cause her to get backtracked. Just as she is about to give up, the boy appears again and just as the car accident is about to happen, the girl pushes the boy away from the car and saves him.


I wrote this story about a girl saving the boy from her dream. My intent of this story was that the girl has a harbinger and decides to do something about it. The idea of this is that people who have the power or knowledge of what might happen in the future, should try to do something about it rather than just ignoring it or denying the truth. Things like this happen in real life and if we have knowledge of how much something can impact us in any negative way, we should be able to act and stop it before such things happen.

In the scene where the boy gets hurt, the car runs a stop light. I purposefully made this part of the story. If people are not looking than they can get hurt. While doing anything, people should be more cautious and stop to look. The car should have stopped to look at the stop sign and the road before recklessly driving in full speed ahead. Likewise, the boy should have looked both sides of the street when crossing the road. These are preventative actions, so disasters do not happen in the future and the need for people to do something to stop these disasters would not be as prominent.