Year: 2015

Week 1: Intro to TLT Internship

For my first week of internship, I didn’t really know what to expect and how the experience was going to be like. Even though I knew many of the people in the class, it still felt foreign to me. However, despite my uncertainties, I was really looking forward to starting the internship. In the first…Continue Reading Week 1: Intro to TLT Internship

Week 2: ePortfolio and Digication

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” -Audrey Hepburn The second week, we picked our shadowing hours. I chose shadowing hours during Monday and Wednesday. On Mondays, my hour started at 1:00 pm and ended at 2:00 pm with Jane Lee for Site Manager shadowing. On Wednesdays, my hours consisted of 9:00 am…Continue Reading Week 2: ePortfolio and Digication

Week 3: Powerful Presentation

I was especially excited for the third week because this was my first week of shadowing. The Senior Consultants familiarized me with the responsibilities of the job and also the staff that worked there. My shadow hours with Jane and Victoria were in the main library SINC site. The main library SINC site is arguable…Continue Reading Week 3: Powerful Presentation

Week 4: Blackboard Basic

This week we met up in the Computer Science SINC Site for our weekly class. My first impression about the SINC Site was “Wow this place is so messy”. The SINC Site was recently changed to a class room only SINC Site, which means no consultants work here regularly. Our Blackboard specialist, Jennifer Jaiswal, gave…Continue Reading Week 4: Blackboard Basic

Week 5 Walking tour to Fine Arts (eMedia, Hybrid)

In this week’s internship class, took a tour to the Fine Arts SINC site. The Fine Arts SINC site is divided into two sections: E-Media and Hybrid. Throughout the tour, we were introduced to the various equipments that were available in the SINC site. We had chances to try out a graphics tablet, a Scanner, microphones, and…Continue Reading Week 5 Walking tour to Fine Arts (eMedia, Hybrid)

Week 6: Class Cancelled

Class cancelled due the Correction day. In my shadowing hour with Victoria, we went in depth talking every aspects of Blackboard with and without Edit Mode on (i.e. every directory, document, file, folder, link, etc). Although, in the previous we had a internship class solely on Blackboard itself, it was still very interesting and useful…Continue Reading Week 6: Class Cancelled

Week 9: Class cancelled (again)

This week’s internship class is cancelled again due to the Correction day. For my Site Manager hour, Jane and I went over how to write the most effective and useful Footprint. We also went over how to troubleshoot printers and omega readers. One interesting that I learned today is that the card reader in Columbus…Continue Reading Week 9: Class cancelled (again)

Week 10: Walking Tour to ESS, Harriman, Physics. Learning about Sparky

   There are a total of 19 SINC Sites, some of which are staffed by our consultant and other are solely for classroom purpose. In this week of internship class, we visited the SINC Site in ESS (Earth Space Science). We weren’t able to go inside the room and explore due to a class in…Continue Reading Week 10: Walking Tour to ESS, Harriman, Physics. Learning about Sparky