This week we met up in the Computer Science SINC Site for our weekly class. My first impression about the SINC Site was “Wow this place is so messy”. The SINC Site was recently changed to a class room only SINC Site, which means no consultants work here regularly. Our Blackboard specialist, Jennifer Jaiswal, gave a presentation that covers the basic of Blackboard. In addition, she made us all class builder, which gave us the power to change what contents are seen by the users, to add new posts, and etc. All the interns got to play with Blackboard with from a completely different perspective. I believe this experience definitely gave me a better insight of how Blackboard functions and will allow me to better assist others in need.
For my shadowing hours, I went over accouns on Blackboard, details about Sparky (How to make a account, sign in, etc). Jane also went over Lotus Notes with me. I uploaded her class schedule for Fine Arts and Hybrid. In addition, we read through the Consultant Handbook again. Going over the Handbook again definitely refreshed my memory about some rule that I have forgotten.