I was especially excited for the third week because this was my first week of shadowing. The Senior Consultants familiarized me with the responsibilities of the job and also the staff that worked there. My shadow hours with Jane and Victoria were in the main library SINC site. The main library SINC site is arguable the busiest SINC site on campus and everyone seemed to know exactly what they’re doing. We discussed the specific tasks and information that we need to know, including the consultant O:\ drive, SINC-site specific programs, printing via VPN, Print From Anywhere queues, and such. My shadow hours with Adrienne were for helpdesk at TLL(Teaching and Learning Lab). We discussed various details entailing the job such as the applications that should be open on my desktop, which included Velaro chat, SB connect, student and TLT_Student Support emails. Like before, I was also introduced to the staff members that work there.
During the class, we listened to a presentation by Christopher Cheung on creating quality support documents and powerful presentations. At the end of class, we were assigned to create a support documentation on how to log into Blackboard. We had to apply what we learned during the presentation in our assignment.
This was an exciting experience and I’ve been familiarized with the various different responsibilities that the internship entails. I’ve also been exposed to a lot of the different technology that’s present in SINC sites that goes on in the background, which I will also have to become familiar with. This week was kind of like a taste of what is to come in the later weeks, which I’m really looking forward to!