Volume III

JESTI’s third volume was published in February 2025. The volume in full can be found here, or separated by article below:

Title         Author(s)
A Case-Study-Based Evaluation of Ethical Considerations for Cognitive Enhancement through Brain-Computer Interfaces Dvita Bhattacharya, Aditi Kiran
Aquaculture as a Means of Sustaining Seafood Demand: A Comprehensive Analysis of Environmental Impact and Ethics Damien Crowley, Ella Park
Discussing the Technology and the Ethics of Machine-Learning Based Dynamic Pricing Kevin Zhang
Engineering Earth’s Coasts: Ethical and Environmental Considerations in Armored Shoreline Development Damien Crowley
Ethical Concerns Regarding the Acquisition of Conflict Minerals Silas Dorsky, Benjamin Li, Daniel Lim
Ethical Concerns Regarding the Continued Use of BMI as a Health Metric Ishita Banerjee, Sadie Seulal
Ethical Considerations of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement Eva Jain, Mira Setia
Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence: Workforce Displacement and the Societal Consequences of Automation-Induced Employment Shifts Audrey Huang, Marissa Huang
Ethical Issues Associated With Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) Corey Zhang, Leah Song, Viraj Pahuja, Jerry Gu
Investigating the Ethics of Machine Learning-Aided Treatment Planning and Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Diseases Dhruva Bhat, Eli Krasnoff, Hau Hong Joseph Yung
Pandora’s Kit: Privacy, Ethics, and Accountability in an Age of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Hunter Maguire, Elena Mingorance
Racial and Gender Bias in AI Training Data Xingchuan Ma, Rong Gao
Semiconductor Manufacturing: Ethical Challenges and Solutions Vinav Shah, Joshua Mu, Catherine Suo, Aadi Bordia, Indus Boddu
The Ethical Considerations Behind Using Publicly Available Data From Online Platforms Vincent Lo, Evan Ji, Tei Kim, Richard Lin
The Ethical Considerations of 3D Bioprinting Artificial Organs Joshua Mu, Kimberly Wang
The Ethical Implications of the Black Box Problem in Machine Learning in Medical Applications Niranjana Sarkar
The Ethics of Mandates on Antibiotic Stewardship Programs Dylan Wang, David Sun
The Ethics of Ocean Acidification Reduction Methods Arohi Mahajan, Shreyaa Sanjay
The Ethics of Self-Driving Cars and Moral Challenges of AI in Autonomous Driving Nathan Qiu, Thomas Lin
The Future of Reproduction: Ethical Implications of In Vitro Gametogenesis (IVG) Emily Zhang, Jenny Zhang
The Trash Above: The Impact of Space Debris and Its Ethical Implications for Future Space Endeavors Ella Wunderlich, Ishita Banerjee

JESTI is a peer-reviewed journal that covers a variety of ethical issues in science.