Project 2 : Deliberate Light

This is the first time I work in the studio by myself, and I have learned a lot in the studio. Also, the most importantly, I had fun in the Studio.

Here are what I had done for the task:

Part 1: 

1.Lighting Ratios:

I took several pictures with ISO 100 and shutter speed at 1/125 s. And with different apertures from F4 to F22.

F4  , ISO 100, SS 1/125

F5.6, ISO 100, SS 1/125

F8, ISO 100, SS 1/125

F 11, ISO 100, SS 1/125

F 16 , ISO 100, SS 1/125

F 22, ISO 100, SS 1/125


2. Low Key

F 16,  ISO 200,  SS 1/125


3. High Key

F 16,  ISO 100, SS 1/125


4. 3-Point Lighting


F 4, ISO 100, SS 1/125


5. Pack Lighting

F 22,  ISO 100,  SS 1/125


Part 2:


The idea of my project was from two parts: first was from the pack lighting picture I took during the class, and second was from an artist we learned from the class.

This artist is called Christopher Williams.

Christopher Williams is an American conceptual artist and fine art photographer.



I got inspired by some other pictures he took, and here are them:


Therefore, I used pack lighting to take pictures for my project.

All pictures are took with aperture at F 22, ISO 100, and shutter speed at 1/125s.

With the change of the numbers on the clock in the background, the idea of this project is to tell the development of camera — the techniques and equipment we are using to take pictures. I put a question mark at the last picture was to show that I am not certain about how the photography technique would be like in the future.



Christopher Williams: The Production Line of Happiness at Museum of Modern Art, July 27–November 2, 2014


Special thanks to Jessica Kan for let me share the studio with her during her appointment, and taught me how to set up the light by myself.

Special thanks to Professor Isak Berbic for helping me decide which topic I am going to to for my project.

Special thanks to Takafumi Ide for helping me set up the studio.  (Got injured from fencing competition, so it was impossible for me to move the equipment by myself. Thank you Takafumi~)

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