Project 2 — Different, Not Less — Color Blindness

Color blindness is the decreased ability to see color or differences in color. The color blindness might be caused by drugs, disease, chemicals, or inherited reasons.

The color blindness could not be cured.

Therefore, for those who have color blindness, the world is different in their eyes: the grass is not green, the sky is not blue, and the flowers are not red.

Things sound bad for us, for those who have color blindness could not tell the right colors in their lives as we do.

It is true that people who are color blindness could not do the normal works as we could do; for example, the color blindness people could not have their driver’s license.

But is color blindness really a bad thing?

I am not color blindness, so I could only imagine how the world looks like in their eyes. For us, the Sun is red, but is the Sun shining like an amethyst in their eyes? For us, the ocean is blue, but could the ocean be pink like a piece of flowing silk in their eyes? For us, the grass is green, but is the grass looks like rubies in their eyes?

To do this project, I took four pictures on campus, and then use Photoshop to readjust the color to simulate the color blindness situation.

In this project, I also add another condition that could impact human perception based on my own condition: near-sightedness.

(Near-sightedness is an eye disorder where light focuses in front of, instead of on, the retina. This could cause the image in the eyes blur.)

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