Project 3 — Zzzzzzzz — Proposal

The topic for this project is“sleep.”

I am going to create a project about dreams.

The ancient Chinese Taoism philosopher, Zhuang Zhou, dreamed he became a butterfly in his dream. After he woke up, he started an interesting point of view: was the butterfly turned into Zhuangzhou, or Zhuangzhou became a butterfly? His question was trying to ask how could human tell the difference between the dream and reality. What is reality, and what is a dream?

According to Wiki’s explanation, a dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. In China, we say: “you dream what you think every day.” Therefore, I believe that the dream is the reflection of reality which is happening during sleep.

My project is going to create 4 pictures of comics with my terrible drawing technique. I am going to draw comics to show a story of dreams about me and my roommates.

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