FRIENDS YOUTOBE Short artist statement: I’m an international student from China. This work was created during my last year of college in the United States. My works generate reflections and observations on the abstract concept of “friendship”. I think friends… Continue Reading →
By making this album of records, I discovered that I had no friends when I was in college, but now I have many. First, I was reluctant to communicate when I was a freshman. Second, I found that there are… Continue Reading →
1. Project Title: Friends 2. Introduction This artwork explores the factors that make friendship between people and others. The foundation of friendship between people is fairness and similarity. It documents the friendships and interactions between my friends and I, by… Continue Reading →
The link 1. Project Title Animationwatch 2. Proposal I wanted to explore what kind of emotion the resulting photo takes when I just document the event. The different between my experience and my feeling of taking the photo. I want… Continue Reading →
When photography was first invented, it was used to record. I think logging makes sense. Mine will record the happy moments in my life. This is my last semester at Stony Brook University and I want to document the moments… Continue Reading →
The google drive link Lido Rico was born in Spain in 1968. He graduated in 1991 at the École Superiere du Beaux Arts du Paris. In his sculptures, he uses the human body as a site of conflict. He also… Continue Reading →
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