The Tortoise & The Hare

Childrens Book-179j59c

The Tortoise and The Hare – 4th of July 

A turtle takes it upon himself to ruin the bunny’s 4th of July.

The turtle takes and eats all of veggies and blames it on bunny by giving him a handkerchief with all the crumbs. The turtle is arrogant and mean by turning the bunny’s friends against him. An announcer says there’s a race so the turtle wants to race to see who was right and who will take the blame from the veggies. The turtle is almost positive he will win because he is different from other turtles by being faster than most. The turtle believes all of his walking and running will lead him to victory. During the race, he tries to trip the bunny but fails miserably because he lose. \

The moral or message of the story is to always be honest and take responsibility for one’s actions.


The first topic I chose was water pollution. It is a huge issue in today’s society because basically every beach we go to has some sort of garbage in the sand or water. My biggest issue with littering on beach’s is that there are garbage cans pretty close together so it wouldn’t be that far of a walk to throw out your trash. I wish to make it easier by providing more garbage cans on the beach’s. If you notice there is a lot of places to throw out garbage but if there was more of a quantity of them spread throughout It would decrease the number of trash in the ocean.

The second topic I chose is deforestation. We need trees to survive because of their intake of C02 and them giving off oxygen. By cutting down these trees people aren’t only affecting humans but animals that live in these areas. Their homes being taking away kills off their families and their homes. A way to fix these problems is to stop having a need to create more buildings in these forest areas.

My third topic I chose was climate crisis. There is a rise in temperatures in Antarctic parts of the world. This causes glacier loss and food loss for animals that live there such as polar bears and penguins. This then throws off the ecosystem that they live in. By burning fossil fuels this causes warmer temperatures in these colder regions. A way to fix these solutions is to carpool more often and ways to burn less things that go in the air.