Discursive Prompt

In general, digital media, specifically photography and video, are amazing technological advancements that brought an extremely revolutionary form of expression into our culture. Whether it be in terms of bookkeeping history, shining light on instances where written word isn’t able to exemplify, or simply capturing moments of a blink of an eye, media has significantly impacted daily life. From simple things such as instagram influencers posting their morning coffee to activists photographing award winning, compelling photographs, media leads to an explosion to advancements and developments.

For me, photography and videography has deeply impacted my outlook in life. Being able to capture at-the-moment shots of family, friends, and strangers has given me a unifying sense as to what brings us together. As the photographer for the Stony Brook Undergraduate Student Government, recording moments of the various student life on campus has brought myself a renewed look at the great amount of diversity and the amazing cultures there are explored on campus. In my own club, the Taiwanese Students Association, photography has given me opportunities to capture memorable moments at the tip of my hands, utilizing the power of my perspective of events. These are moments that I, myself and my subjects can look back upon and remember our experiences during those moments.

Media to me is a form of remembrance that words have a hard time describing sometimes. They are experiences that can be shared and looked back on for enjoyment as well as reminiscence. A form of history goes into the camera, hence why sometimes photographers are called historians in terms of my work in clubs. Often times a way to remember things is to interpret that events never happened if there are no photographic records. Obviously this isn’t necessarily an accurate way to describe it, but it is a way to look at it. Nevertheless, photography, whether my works in digital or analog film, has given me a reminder of how much our impacts can be on each others lives.

As a biochemistry major with intentions for medical school, photograph has given me an outlet for looking at life in a positive way, seeing the small instances of happiness with subjects that spark emotions for me. I enjoy seeing how happy people are candidly and taking the shot. Medical photography is also a very useful form of record, seeing before and afters of surgeries and medical conditions which I hope to get into.

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