Short Research Assignment #1

Example: Jocelyn Carlin Portrait Photograms










Creative approach to photograms by creating semi-transparent portraits composed of various items centered around a specific theme.



Reading Notes Bullet Points


  • New photographs pose questions rather than answer them
  • Photography is now a shapeshifting media no longer relying on chemical process
  • Shift from fact to fiction in photography and everything in between
  • Museums deciding whether or not photography should be considered an autonomous medium or a mashup of many
  • “Mr. McCall dismissed the notion that experimentation with unconventional processes or the overabundance of images poses any threat to contemporary photography. “It’s a benefit,” he said, encouraging curators “to analyze and think about images because they’re everywhere.”
  • Contemporary photographers are experimenting with the medium in a variety of ways 
  • “Artists around the globe have been experimenting with and redrawing the boundaries of traditional photography for decades,” said ICP Curator Carol Squiers, who organized the exhibit. “Although digital photography seems to have made analog obsolete, artists continue to make works that are photographic objects, using both old technologies and new, crisscrossing boundaries.


Reading Link 1:

Reading Link 2: