Dr. Oliver Sacks


Dr. Oliver Sacks (9 July 1933 – 30 August 2015) was a well-known British neurologist, author and professor whose work with people suffering from neurological disorders helped advance the field of neurological medicine and bring more attention to rare mental disorders. other than being a neurologist and a bestselling Ny times author Dr. Oliver sacks was also led a very active life; travelling, swimming, participating in body building competitions and riding motorcycles.


An interesting fact about Dr. Oliver Sacks: like many British children during the second world war; At the age of six Oliver and his brother were sent to the British countryside to a boarding school in order to escape the German bombing campaign on English cities. Oliver would stay at this school until 1943, his experiences there are cataloged in his memoir: Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood.







Sacks and his beloved bike in 1961.

