Final Project:
Conflict of Interest
When it comes to the story of life: conflict is not a new invention most invertebrates need to take the life of something else to survive. But when it comes to conflict itself; humans have a unique position among animals, because we can actually sit down and think about what a word like “conflict” means. Because the Human Race has been blessed with the gift of reason, not only can we think abstractly about what “conflict” means, we can also judge its cause, its utility, as well as the moral implications behind it. I am of the opinion that conflicts between humans should be avoided, and I believe that most people would share this opinion as well, but I believe that most people today don’t take time enough to think about how human beings are in conflict with all the other life on this planet outside the realm of humanity. It seems today that even though there is a great spotlight on the effects of human caused climate change, there’s not enough of a focus on how humanity conflicts with nature’s order. Through my project I would like a conversation to be started on the conflicted relationship we have with nature.
F5.6 1/500 ISO 500
F5.6 1/250 ISO 500
F5.6 1/500 ISO 500
F5.6 1/250 ISO 500
F5.6 1/500 ISO 500
F5.6 1/250 ISO 500
Photos taken with a Soviet made Kalimar SR200 / Zenith E SLR camera with a 35mm lens.
Shot on Ilford HP5 Plus 400 speed B&W camera film.
La Jetée (1962) short film by: Chris Marker
Come and See (1985) movie: directed by Elem Klimov written by Ales Adamovich
German painter and graphic artist: Otto Dix
Benioff, D. (2009). City of Thieves. New American Library.