Project 3

Disney’s Deception, 2021

Keeley DeHart

12x18in print


Artist Statement:


We all grew up hearing renditions of the same fairy tales meant to teach us a valuable life lesson while preserving the childish hope that we, just like every protagonist, will get our “happily ever after,” the original stories, however, often tell darker tales with less desirable endings. I wanted to present the stories both as censored and as originally presented, with pivotable moments within the plot that show the original, darker plotlines juxtaposed with the utopian version we have grown accustomed to. I utilized a high quality image with a lowered opacity in order to mimic the stained glass textures often depicting fairytale murals. I used the bucket tool in order to fill the spaces drawn to mimic the designs of stained glass. The rectangle tool was utilized to create the white borders that distinguish each postcard. Different shades of each color were used in order to create the image while still remaining unique and creating visual complexity; Various shades of blue were utilized to create Cinderella’s glass slipper, and purple dipping into orange conveyed the feeling of a sunset in the background without the use of blending. These cells were made by creating random geometric shapes and patterns by using the pen tool with a stabilizer in order to prevent the lines from being shaky or jagged. I utilized the mixer brush tool with a chalk-like brush in order to create the blood and foam patterns on the “original” glass panes. Additionally, when creating the original frames and compositions, I made use of the symmetry tool again in order to make the compositions symmetrical in order to highlight both the similarities and juxtaposition within the original stories and their watered-down versions.


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