Project 1 – PechaKucha Presentation Project

Imogen Cunningham was a black and white photographer who specialized in botanical, portraits, landscape, and nude photography. Born on April 12, 1883, in Portland, Oregon, Imogen Cunningham had played a significant role in the development of modern American photography. She had studied in the University of Washington where she found her passion for photography. The earliest prints she had made were made in the tradition of Pictorialism, a style of photography that imitated academic painting from the turn of the century. She then studied photography at the Technische Hochschule in Dresden, Germany  and had opened a portrait studio from 1909-1910 and this is when her career started to gain traction. By the early 1920s Cunningham began to change her style, creating close-up, sharply detailed studies of plant life and other natural forms. The experiments of form had led her to join a group of West Coast photographers called “Group f6.4” (1932) In the early 1930s, Cunningham worked briefly for Vanity Fair and produced images of entertainers and celebrities. After the breakup of Group f.64, she ran a portrait gallery and taught at several California art schools.


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