This weeks journey takes me to practice in Plainview, right in the center of Nassau county on Long Island; where you’ll find this bizarre abandoned establishment in the middle of a public park.
As with any good public building, it’s stood the test of time… But what was it exactly? Keep scrolling for more pictures – maybe you can figure it out~
Okay, I guess I should give it away : it was a sanitarium. Not just any kind though, specifically a Tuberculosis ward. Who would have thought?
Built in 1930 the structure has clearly seen better days, a recent gang war between two of Nassau County’s premiere gangs Chicken Parm and Chicken Masala has left the place in ruins. There’s an article on that shows what it looked like in 2011, before all that and it also has more information about the place. Otherwise, I’m just going to keep posting more pictures I’ve taken there which you can check out below. Enjoy~