Albert Watson

Coming from the stellar extremes of portraiture study comes Albert Watson (Born 1942, Scotland), renowned for his portrayal and play with images of celebrities and works in the studio. He is among the likes of Annie Lebowitz in the sense of subject matter and surreality, but I’ve often found his works deviate in the way they profile the already prolific individuals seen in his photos.

Namely he works almost entirely in black and white which gives his work a substance of contrast that forms his general theme, but additionally I’ve found that while Lebowitz really puts most of the attention into the settings and locales of her works, Watson has been seen taking a more mutative approach with his models. Most of the time they are untouched but presented with austere backgrounds, one time for his shoot with Mick Jagger he did a really incredible job polymerizing Mick with an image of a leopard; the likes of which is also seen in the background of other commercial works featuring him by Watson.

Mick Jagger, Los Angeles, 1992

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