TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Stony Brook University)
- Invited speaker, HON 106, Modes of Being, Spring 2024
- Instructor of record, EXT 488: Experiential Learning internships (various semesters)
- “Meet Our Interns” https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/libspecial/students/interns.php
- Instructor of record, SBU 102/GWC 102.220: “The Biography of SBU: Creating Community Through Spaces” (Spring 2022)
- Internship supervisor for experiential learning courses including History (HIS 488), Journalism (JRN 488), Art History (ARH 488), and English (EGL 488) (various semesters)
- Site internship supervisor for students enrolled in library and information graduate programs at CUNY Queens College, St. John’s University and C.W. Post – Long Island University (various semesters)
- Sampling of course-integrated instruction sessions
- ARH 543: Topics in Renaissance Art
- ARH 547: Topics in Global, Colonial and Diasporic Art: Photography and Modernity in Africa
- ARS 205: Introduction to Architecture
- EGL 284: Public Humanities Workshop
- EGL 301: Italian American Literature
- EGL 380: English Senior Seminar
- EGL 494: Honors Practicum: Research
- EGL 584: Shakespeare’s Tragedies
- HIS 300: Flows of History: Water and Power
- HIS 338/AAS 336: Asian and Pacific Islanders in American History
- HIS 398: Technologies of Capitalism
- HIS 401: Cross-Cultural Encounters: Europe & the World, 1400-1800
- HIS 401: History of Childhood
- SPN 435: Photographic Encounters
- WRT 102: Intermediate Writing Workshop