Artist Inspiration

Ansel Adams

Alaskan Cedars, Ansel Adams
Alaskan Cedars, Ansel Adams, 1982


Vine and Rock, Ansel Adams
Vine and Rock, Ansel Adams, 1948



Madrone Bark, Ansel Adams
Madrone Bark, Ansel Adams, 1975



Born in San Francisco California, Adams (Feb. 20, 1902- Apr. 22, 1984) was a photographer and environmentalist. During his childhood, Adams found joy in nature and still-wild reaches of the Golden Gate Bridge. He described himself as a photographer-lecturer-writer; it would be more accurate to say that he was simply a communicator. He endlessly traveled the country in pursuit of both the natural beauty he revered and photographed and the audiences he required. Adams felt an intense commitment to promoting photography as a fine art and played a key role in the establishment of the first museum department of photography, at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

I found Adams images of nature to be striking and hold a lot of character. He is able to share a variety of detail while only photographing in black and white. I enjoyed the deep shadows and variation of grays portrayed in each image. After viewing his gallery I hope to use his sense of focus and angle to help transform my photographs taken in nature.


Omar Victor Diop
Mariama Toure- Journalist, Founder & CEO of a Dance Academy
Aminata Faye- Model
Olatoundji Maryam Rose- Pharmacist, Makeup Artist



Omar Victor Diop was born in Dakar in 1980. He has an interest for Photography and Design, and captures the diversity of modern african societies and lifestyles. Diop enjoys mixing his photography with other forms of art, such as costume design, styling and creative writing. His work is mesmerizing and displays not only beauty but a story. I found his extremely enjoyable in that the individual seems to pop through the 2D photo and reach out to the viewer. Each photograph tells their own story, and I really liked how each image is labeled with that specific individuals profession. Showcasing how everyone can get their portrait taken, not just models. Diop’s work is intriguing, a tad vintage, and draws inspiration from his international uplifting and african visual heritage.


John William Keedy

-Photographer who shares images that display depression in everyday life

what it's like to have mental illness
It’s Hardly Noticeable VI, 2012, archival pigment print, 27 x 40 inches


what it's like to have mental illness
It’s Hardly Noticeable I, 2012, archival pigment print, 27 x 40 inches


what it's like to have mental illness
It’s Hardly Noticeable III, 2012, archival pigment print, 40 x 27 inches



“In photographer John William Keedy’s series It’s Hardly Noticeable, he juxtaposes normal behaviors—like flossing your teeth—with abnormal behaviors like obsessively arranging them on the sink. This, along with other vignettes, offer a look into the lives of people who have mental illnesses that, as the title suggests are “hardly noticeable.””

I found Keedy’s images to be simple yet complex. I think that his approach to sharing the environment of a person suffering from depression is extremely accurate. Something that many can relate to and see around them everyday. The daily life structures captured in his photographs display the chaotic and realistic life to those who have depression.

10 Expressive Photographers Whose Poignant Images Shed Light on Depression