
TEAM @ Stony Brook University
Lead: Prof. Jackie L. Collier, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences;
Prof. Joshua Rest, Department of Ecology & Evolution;
Ph.D. Student:
Alejandro Gil Gomez, Department of Ecology & Evolution

John Archibald, Institute for Comparative Genomics at Dalhousie
Prof. Gábor Balázsi, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Previous Participants:
Anbarasu Karthikaichamy, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (Postdoctoral Scholar)
Mariana Rius, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Scholar)
Kashyapa Bandaralage (Technician)
Prof. Daiske Honda, Department of Biology, Konan University
Prof. Thorsten Reusch, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)
Laura Halligan, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (Graduate Student)
Michael Horowitz (Graduate Student)/Undergraduate Researcher)
Xegfred Lou Quidet (Undergraduate Researcher)
Brenda Bingyuan Zhu (Undergraduate Researcher)
Elizabeth Yaboni (High School Researcher)
Kylen Bao and Sarah Kelso (Simons Summer Research Fellows)