Genome & Virus

Collier, J. L., Rest, J. S., Gallot-Lavallée, L., Lavington, E., Kuo, A., Jenkins, J. W., … & Archibald, J. M. (2023). Herpes-like viral elements and universal subtelomeric ribosomal RNA genes in a chromosome-scale thraustochytrid genome assemblybioRxiv, 2023-06.
Now in press at Current Biology

Short Read Genome Assembly and Annotation
Available through the JGI Genome Portal (
(454 sequence assembled with Newbler)

Long Read Genome Assembly
A Nanopore-based assembly is available at Data Dryad (doi:10.5061/dryad.2fqz612t6)  
(MinION sequence assembled with Canu; reads have been deposited in the Sequence Read Archive database under BioProject PRJNA680238, accessions: SRR13108467, SRR13108466, SRR13108465).