Dream Vendor
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Dream Vendor
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PDF (Interactive): Ice Skating
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1st work [Best]:
Sea level rise faster than expected and getting worse. In the year 2035, sea level has risen to cover the entire downtown manhattan. MTA decided to suspend all of its underground subways and the completely shutdown the transportation in downtown manhattan. The underground subway stations are filled with water and sharks are swimming around. People had to move away from the flood zone and stay on high ground. Water is everywhere among the buildings and subway stations in downtown manhattan, and the authority reports continuing sea level rise over the coming years. The increase in sea level along the coasts of continents forced people to abandon their home and their city.
2nd work:
Due to sea level rise, houses are being constructed under the sea. Only the rich can afford it, leaving the others in danger as sea level is rising at an increasing rate. Each house is equipped with a robot that will manage the house and act as a doctor in case of emergency. As such, all beds have built-in body monitor on the wall display along with the screen that enables voice and remote eye control from the bed. The advancement in technology have find a solution to the sea level rise, but the cost to build underwater houses are still very expensive.
3rd work:
At this point, the Earth is over populated and covered with water mostly. The lands are getting smaller as they were covered by the water. NASA begins to build more homes on the moon, it will became the new home for humans.
In my vision, technology will keep getting better but we have to also watch out for our environment. Save it before it is too late, such as global warming that is essentially irreversible.
Hot Air Balloon
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