{Spring 2018: Part 2}

May 9

Spring 2018 3 (4) (1/250s f/5.6 ISO 220)

  • So these cherry blossom trees are right next to the magnolias at my school. The contrast between the shadows and the highlights was eye catching. The flowers are such delicate things, I really should revisit them next spring…

Spring 2018 3 (7) (1/160s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 3 (10) (1/400s f/8 ISO 100)

  • I have no idea what these guys are… but they tiny, pretty and cute. And a whole lot of them.

Spring 2018 3 (13) (1/400s f/10 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 3 (22) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

  • This is the same tree as two photos up (Spring 2018 3 (10)), and the photo is even better.

Spring 2018 3 (54) (1/250s f/5.6 ISO 200)

Spring 2018 3 (57) (1/250s f/6.3 ISO 200)

Spring 2018 3 (60) (1/250s f/8 ISO 125)

  • I was quite surprised to fins some dogwood trees on campus… and took some pictures

Spring 2018 3 (67) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 3 (70) (1/320s f/8 ISO 100)

  • This photo was kinda taken on a whim. I had wanted to photo graph the dandelions. This photo has a very distinct autumn vibe, but… it was spring…

Spring 2018 3 (81) (1/250s f/8 ISO 180)

Spring 2018 3 (90) (1/250s f/7.1 ISO 200)

  • Honestly, if you catch plants at the right time, you can be pleasantly surprised. Also look up more. And down. Moss is awesome too.

Spring 2018 3 (104) (1/320s f/10 ISO 200)

  • There is this certain vibe that my campus buildings have… They are older, but that’s not exactly it. Honestly I think the rectangular concrete buildings in contrast with forest and trees create a great juxtaposition.

Spring 2018 3 (110) (1/250s f/10 ISO 220)

{Spring 2018: Part 1}

April 11

Frank Melville Park (12) (1/60s f/8 ISO 320)

  • Moss~ I had never taken a good look at moss, and after this photo, I’m definitely not going to forget them ever again

April 26

Spring 2018 1(4) (1/320s f/10 ISO 200)

  • So while I took these photos in 2018, I have posted this after I posted the spring 2019 photos. And the photo above and directly below are exactly why I think the magnolias turned out better this year. I honestly have no idea how I managed to get the photo below… but I did.

Spring 2018 1(11) (1/250s f/8 ISO 140)

Spring 2018 1(14) (1/250s f/8 ISO 140)

Spring 2018 1(32) (1/100s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 1(36) (1/125s f/5.6 ISO 400)

  • Glory of the Snow~ Yes that’s what the flower is called. Yes that is the banner on the main page. And it’s beautiful.

Spring 2018 1(50) (1/100s f/9 ISO 400)

  • A quick daffodil phase. My school has this giant patch of daffodils. Only daffodils, all different kinds of daffodils. So again, how could I resist?

Spring 2018 1(52) (1/160s f/9 ISO 400)

Spring 2018 1(57) (1/250s f/7.1 ISO 200)

  • I wasn’t so sure about this photo when I fist took it. While I loved the daffodil against the bright blue sky, I was unsure about all the empty space… Looking back, this was a lovely photo, and I like it even more now.

Spring 2018 1(61) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 1(82) (1/60s f/6.3 ISO 400)

May 1

Spring 2018 2(9) (1/100s f/8 ISO 100)

  • Tulips! I took so many photos of these tulips, and this one is my favorite.

Spring 2018 2(15) (1/60s f/8 ISO 220)

Spring 2018 2(23) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

{Spring 2019: Part 2}

May 7th

Another kind of cherry blossoms here~ The trees I photographed remind me of a very similar tree in the park in front of my house. My sister and I often called the tree the cotton ball or cotton candy tree because of how fluffy the flowers looked.

Spring 2019 0151 (1/160s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2019 0153 (1/250s f/5.6 ISO 400)

Spring 2019 0154 (1/250s f/7.1 ISO 200)

Spring 2019 0171 (1/1000s f/5.6 ISO 560)

May 11th

I actually forgot about these photos, LoL~ So… there are a lot of parks near by where I live. The largest park has a lot of landscaping work done, and has many many flower patches around. Since I am often away at my college, I hardly get to visit the parks anymore, so when I had a chance to snap a picture of the last tulips, I took it.

Spring 2019 0226 (1/100s f/5.6 ISO 12800)

Spring 2019 0227 (1/100s f/5.6 ISO 12800)

May 20th

So while I miss the flora back at home, there are quite a number of plants and flowers at my college. I noticed these irises a while back, and bided my time to get the perfect shot…and I almost waited too long. I literally took this one of the last days I would be on campus, but you know what? They came out pretty nicely.

Spring 2019 0232 (1/125s f/5 ISO 640)

Spring 2019 0233 (1/125s f/5.6 ISO 900)

Spring 2019 0235 (1/125s f/5.6 ISO 1100)

{Spring 2019: Part 1}

Some photos I took the Spring of 2019. Not too bad, though looking back, it seems like I only take photos of flowers… and I just may want to expand a bit

3rd April

So the first three photos are of this one cherry tree I saw on my way back home. There were so many bright pink flowers, but for some reason or another I couldn’t get the light and color quite right.

Spring 2019 0010 (1/60s f/8 ISO 360)

Spring 2019 0013 (1/100s f/4.5 ISO 400)

Spring 2019 0014 (1/100s f/4.5 ISO 400)

10 April

I believe these flowers are called hellebore, and this specific variety is called Anne’s Red (cue all the red head Anne’s and Annie’s in children’s literature)

Spring 2019 0027 (1/80s f/5.6 ISO 100)

Spring 2019 0028 (1/160s f/6.3 ISO 100)

16 April

(I will address the magnolias later in this post) The bright yellow flowers are called forsythia, also known as the Easter tree. It’s mostly native to eastern Asia. I adore them, they are such perky little flowers.

Spring 2019 0064 (1/250s f/5.6 ISO 200)

Spring 2019 0072 (1/250s f/6.3 ISO 200)

Spring 2019 0081 (1/250s f/5.6 ISO 280)

Spring 2019 0086 (1/800s f/5.6 ISO 800)

17 April

Lol more magnolias, so many magnolias. So my school has these 3 magnolia trees, and they are gorgeous when they are in bloom, and I simply can’t resist. I think I got some okay shots, but honestly I think I was more successful with last year’s magnolia pics. I will post those soon.

Spring 2019 0095 (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2019 0107 (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2019 0110 (1/250s f/7.1 ISO 200)

Spring 2019 0114 (1/100s f/8 ISO 100)

{Greenhouse Photoshoot}

Here are the final photos I took from the greenhouse photo shoot that I did to complete Project 2, including some photos I liked from the camera study,

I am so tempted to update this post with more info about each plant. Maybe I can do that sometime in the future…

Greenhouse 0529 (1/125s f/10 ISO 1600) Direct Sunlight

  • I originally thought I wouldn’t include my camera studies, because I naively believed they would not come out very well. But honestly, I really liked all three photos in my white balance study, and the camera study also brought other surprises

Greenhouse 0534 (1/60s f/10 ISO 3200)

  • This photo was going to be my shallow depth of field photo, but the way the tips blurred was super distracting for me, and eventually I just decided to use a different plant/view

Greenhouse 0551 (1/80s f/13 ISO 800)

Greenhouse 0553 (1/125s f/13 ISO 800)

Greenhouse 0555 (1/125s f/13 ISO 1600)

  • While I walked up and down the greenhouse, I just had to crouch down and take this photo. Honestly I always thought this was a bit of a cliched shot. But now I see why.

Greenhouse 0557 (1/125s f/13 ISO 1600)

  • Ahh… I had so many feelings about this photo. The little plants caught my eye, and I immediately knew what I wanted to take a photo of. Unfortunately my ISO is too high and the photo is super grainy….

Greenhouse 0562 (1/125s f/8 ISO 800)

  • I really wanted to capture the subtle bits of color in the succulents here, while also creating pleasing an image filled with succulents.

Greenhouse 0563 (1/125s f/8 ISO 800)

  • I really liked this jade plant. If it wasn’t so late in the day when I found it, I may have spent half my time with it. There are so many good photos I could have taken. I liked that this photo reminded me of being high up in a rain forest or jungle.

Greenhouse 0564 (1/125s f/8 ISO 800)

Greenhouse 0565 (1/125s f/8 ISO 800)

Greenhouse 0568 (1/125s f/7.1 ISO 800)

Greenhouse 0572 (1/100s f/9 ISO 1600)

  • I’m honestly not too sure what drew me to these plants, and what got me to take a photo in the first place. But at some point, I felt compelled to take this exact photo, and I did.

Greenhouse 0574 (1/100s f/14 ISO 800)

  • I really like the high contrast between the light green plants, and the dark purple ones in the back ground

Greenhouse 0578 (1/100s f/9 ISO 400)

  • And how could I not take some photos of these cute little water plants? I have no idea what they are called, but they are tiny, and there are a lot of them.

Hello world!

First post!

I am starting this blog as an assignment in my photography class, but this whole blogging process seems interesting and fun enough for me to want to continue after I finish my class.

I’m not too sure where this is all gonna go, maybe it’ll just be photos, maybe I’ll post other things, and I have no idea how often I’ll post (probably just once a week). Maybe I’ll include some candid photos??? who knows…

Anywho, hope y’all have a nice day.
