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Figure 1: https://www.e-cmh.org/m/journal/view.php?number=1472

Figure 2: https://www.medicalindiatourism.com/blog/signs-symptoms-liver-damage.html

Figure 3: https://www.bioedge.org/bioethics/organ-donation-debate-continues/12344

Figure 4: https://i1.wp.com/coloradorehabilitation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/denver-stem-cell-therapy.jpg

Figure 5: https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/946049/view/human-embryonic-stem-cells-illustration

Figure 6: https://www.britannica.com/science/carbon-nanotube

Figure 7: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycaprolactone

Figure 8: https://tissueengineering.euroscicon.com/

Figure 9: https://www.hayatmed.com/blog/organ-transplant/liver-transplant/what-is-the-cost-of-a-liver-transplant/

Figure 10: https://digital.hbs.edu/platform-rctom/submission/for-some-finding-a-match-is-about-life-and-death/

Figure 11: https://www.prnewsprime.com/2019/02/polycaprolactone-market-to-2024-market-is-set-to-grow-at-a-cagr-of-10-6/

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