Year: 2020

Working on script for Endangered Species Buffalo Project and pictures of oldest Buffalo, Asian Buffalo, and Museum Buffalo

 …Continue Reading Working on script for Endangered Species Buffalo Project and pictures of oldest Buffalo, Asian Buffalo, and Museum Buffalo

First drawing of the earliest buffalo 1903

Webpage BuffaloHere is the link of the first drawing of a buffalo from 1903 from the Library of Congress. I will try to find an earlier picture of the Bison…est-buffalo-1903/ ‎…Continue Reading First drawing of the earliest buffalo 1903

Buffalo photographs at Holtsville Ecology Site and Riverhead Farm

I have researched the Buffalo and some endangered species that I have looked up online and in person at the Ecology Site in Holtsville, NY. I Will be going to Riverhead to photograph the Buffalo and film with my Iphone and tripod. I have some literature on the Buffalo and how it was an endangered…Continue Reading Buffalo photographs at Holtsville Ecology Site and Riverhead Farm

Endangered species project is coming along.

I went to the Holtsville ecology site to take pictures of the animals and subjects there at the small area of cages the animals were in. I got a brochure and it has info about the endangered species but some have come off of the list because they are reproducing and are at the site…Continue Reading Endangered species project is coming along.

Salvadore Dali’s artworks with pictures and works sited

Salvador Dalí Artworks Spanish Painter, Sculptor, Filmmaker, Printmaker, and Performance Artist Movements and Styles: Surrealism, Surrealist Sculpture, Biomorphism Born: May 11, 1904 – Figueres, Catalonia, Spain Died: January 23, 1989 – Figueres, Catalonia, Spain   SUMMARY OF SURREALISM The Surrealists sought to channel the unconscious as a means to unlock the power of the imagination. Disdaining rationalism and literary realism,…Continue Reading Salvadore Dali’s artworks with pictures and works sited