Final: Stereoblindness


Digital Art Series

My final project explores the world through the lens of someone with stereoblindness and the most likely origin of this condition strabismus (cross-eyed). While conducting research and experimenting for this project I quickly realized it is difficult to authentically replicate the perception of someone else. I am not sure that is something I can ever truly achieve. However, what this research allowed me to do as an artist is envision alternative ways for me to consider my subjects through the lens of my camera. I thought about the Cubists and how they perceive a subject from various angles and manipulate depth perception. I considered artist Pertti Kerkarainen’s work Tila mentioned in a review by Gallerie Anhava how, “…he adds various visual elements to the two-dimensional surfaces of photographs, such as lines, bars, spheres and fields of colour that challenge the reading of the image and create new interpretation of space.” In my work, you will see I adopt minor aspects of Kerkainen’s manipulation approach infused with my own style.

Keep off the Dunes, Digital Art, Loren Camberato, 17.25″ x 11.5″, 2020.


Lighthouse Fragment, Digital Art, Loren Camberato, 17.25″ x 11.5″, 2020.


Swimming Prohibited, Digital Art, Loren Camberato, 17.25″ x 11.5″, 2020.


Night Birds, Digital Art, Loren Camberato, 17.25″ x 11.5″, 2020.


The following work was created for Project 2 and part of the inspiration for the Final Project.


Barry, Ph.D., Sue. “TEDxPioneerValley – Sue Barry – Fixing My Gaze.” YouTube, TEDx Talks, 23 Feb. 2012,

Barry, Sue R. Fixing My Gaze: A Scientist’s Journey Into Seeing in Three Dimensions. Basic Books, 2009.

Livingstone, Ph.D., Margaret S. “‘What Can Art Tell Us About the Human Brain?” Margaret S. Livingstone, Ph.D.” YouTube, UCI Media, 5 Mar. 2014,

“Pertti Kekarainen: Spatial Changes.” Artsy, Galarie Anhava,

Link to the research blog


Pertti Kerkarainen
