Correct Exposure ISO 100 -18mm-f/18-SS 1/10. Canon 


Over Exposure ISO 800 – 18mm-f/20-SS 1/10. Canon

Under Exposure 1so 100-22mm-f/22. Canon

Low ISO – ISO 100 -27mm-f 1/4- SS 1.3s. Canon


High ISO -ISO 1200, 1/126, f/22 35mm. Canon


WB Tuoscent Light- ISO 100 – 45mm – f/5.6 – SS 1/13. Canon


WB Cloud- ISO 100 – 45mm – f/5.6 – SS 1/13. Canon


WB Shade -ISO 200 – 45mm – f/5.6 – SS 1/13


Fast Shutter Speed – Bird in the Rain ISO 200-1/200,f/22 55mm. Canon

Slow Shutter Speed- Love birds ISO 400, 1/125, f/14, 18mm

Wide Aperture 1SO 200, 1/125, 1/18 34mm

Narrow Aperture ISO 100,1/40, f/10, 18mm


Photo taken from side angle taken with iPhone

Photo taken from a straight angle Taken with iPhone

Photo taken from rear angle.Taken with iPhone


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