This is the end. The last week of the internship.
Sharon and Victoria started filling out evaluations during this shift. They showed me how the evaluation form looked like and how to conduct an evaluation if they were to be working in main at the time. In addition, they explained that evaluations must be filled out for each consultant that a senior consultant works with, even through SB Connect.
Glen again allowed me to be senior consultant. Though there is nothing much left to teach me, I value the experience that he gives me. In addition, he gives me advice that is not outlined for him. For example, what he felt like first starting out and tips and tricks to answering messages.
This week, Adrienne had to sub out, much to my disappointment. I hoped to spend the last week with all my current mentors. However, I was lucky enough to shadow Michelle before I become a senior consultant. She allowed me to be senior consultant, but she also taught me something important, which is how to be a leader. She made a clear distinction between a boss and a leader and even showed me one of her favorite videos that summarized traits of each characteristic. I thought this was a great conclusion to the internship shadowing. We’ve been taught so much information but we miss the simplest things at times, like morals. Michelle gave a great reminder that though you are a senior consultant, you shouldn’t let the power go to your head.
For the last class, Alvin and Christy gave a great presentation about AV services to conclude our final learning experience. They talked about headquarters, Jarrod, and services they offer. After they presented, our intern class surprised John Tom with a birthday cake! I felt like this was a great way to end the internship and a clear indication of a stronger bond between the class.
My final reflection would be that this class helped me be more out there. In the beginning of the class, I was so scared because I barely knew anybody in the class and because of that I tried to be quiet. But as the days went by, I began talking with every one of them, adding them on social media, and even creating a group chat with them. To be completely honest, we’re not that close yet, but I hope to grow closer during boot camp and especially during the next school year. My fear of meeting faculty members has also diminished after the interview with Jennifer Adams as well as talking to Rich. I felt like Rich has been a very observant individual and a great help to our class. Things I still need to work on, however, is my confidence with the phone. I still find myself stammering at times but with conditioning and practice, I am sure it will go away. Overall, this has been a pleasant experience where I met new individuals and built my own character a little bit more. I can’t wait to create more memories with my TLT team. So those who have been reading my journals, thank you for following and I hope you enjoyed my journey as much as I did.

Quote of the week!