As I said in my last post, I’ll start beginning each post with my shadowing experience and end it with the class experience. So let’s begin!
When I shadowed Jessica, she reminded me on what the lateness and no-show policies were. If there should be a lateness or a no-show, I should write an email to TLT SINC Site coordinator. What I like most about Jessica’s mentoring style is that she does a lot of hands-on activities. In this case, she had me practice writing a no-show email and showing me what components were missing from the email. She also quizzes me on staff members and telephone numbers to make sure I know the information. Lastly, she ended the shadowing hours by having me practice answering the phone.
When I shadowed Jess in Teaching Learning Labs, he showed me ITSM tickets that support line creates. He also went over printing quota, virtual SINC Site, quota, etc. When I shadowed Steven in Central Reading Room, he went over the various ways to change your Solar password and the different applications of Solar. Then he went over NetID. He also mentioned various ways in which you can change the password. In addition, he explained what happens when a student graduates. Lastly, he went over the various Google applications, including Google Drive, Google Docs, ad Google Spreadsheet.
That week, Pam led the internship class. Her mission was to heighten our customer service skills. She split the class into groups of three and played a short video about an unprofessional employee in front of the classroom. Our task was to point out all the wrongdoings of that employee ( I counted 18 in the end). This employee was unbelievable! He did not wash his hands, stuck gum to the lockers, slept at work, and the list goes on. Our groups eventually compared our findings and had about the same twenty observations. It turns out there were twenty eight wrongdoings in the video! Before we left Pam gave each of us individually wrapped pens (her favorite pens to add at that).

(Relevant) Quote of the week!