On Monday, I began my shadowing session with Sharon and Victoria once again. This time, they introduced me to google apps. Instead of showing me all the features, however, they focused on Gmail, specifically creating tags and folders. Victoria first showed me how the site manager and TLT support line email accounts look like. She pointed out the colorful squares to the left of the screen as well as the folders under them. She taught me how to filter, create labels, and categorize emails that contain a keyword. As practice, Sharon monitored me as I organized my personal Stony Brook University email. After sorting my mail, my inbox never looked tidier!
Later that day, I shadowed Glen. Glen was preparing to teach me about TLT when the phone rang. I answered the phone with my well practiced greeting and found that a new student had trouble logging into Blackboard. I directed her to Solar, where I asked her to sign in and click on NetID maintenance. I told her she can check if her password has been entered in correctly. If all else fails, she may reset and create a new password. She thanked me and hung up. Within ten minutes, she called back stating that it didn’t work, so I politely asked her to try again and call back if she could not activate her password in ten minutes. She called back and this time Glen answered. She was able to reset her password and log onto Blackboard, but her class did not show up. Her case was different in that it was a satellite class. At the end, we wrote and ITSM ticket.
On Friday, Adrienne subbed out of her shift, so I mentored Nujbat. There were no phone calls so she taught me by showing me example emails from the TLT support line archive. She focused on Virtual SINC Site more because she said that it can be the toughest problems. She allowed me to read through emails, suggest solutions, write sample emails, and write sample ITSM tickets.
For class this week, we met at the Earth Space and Science SINC Site for a walking tour. Unfortunately there was a class in there so we didn’t get to see much of it. However, I had a glimpse of the dual screen computers and I thought that was pretty neat. Then, we headed to Harriman to visit the innovation lab. There we met Ed, a student that works there. He gave us a little tour and an orientation on the space. I was impressed that they had 3D printers, sewing machines, paper cutters, and other devices that are available to students for free! At the end of the tour, he allowed us to sign up so we can utilize the equipment offered in the lab. After that we headed to the SINC Site where we were greeted by Jennifer Jaiswal. For the remainder of the class time, she showed us how to navigate Blackboard by creating a course in the application that we could edit. She showed us how to make tests, pools, file links, etc. I felt like creating this course was a great idea and would benefit me by letting me practice the duties of a senior consultant.

Quote of the week!