On Monday, Sharon and Victoria allowed me to work on my final project since I am behind with Jin Wei. I researched about Jennifer Adams, our interviewee. I found her e-portfolio, which was full of useful information and links to the DoIT web page. I found information about Echo360, podcasts, streams, clickers, and even a bit about her personal life. I felt as if her e-portfolio was as good a great supplement to the research I have been doing on instructional technology through DoIT. Later, I shadowed Glen. Glen showed me ITSM and DoIt web page and let me navigate through it. Glen also allowed to the do research on instructional technology and Jennifer Adams. I created a Google Doc and shared it with Jin Wei. Its contents included questions for the interview, which Jin Wei should be adding before Monday. On Friday, Adrienne allowed me to sit on the consultant chair and answer or respond to any questions. However, it is quiet most of the time so she went through emails with me. She asked me various questions, especially about NetID (since new students tend to ask about that a lot). As we were reviewing, the phone rang. A student was inquiring how to log into Blackboard, in which I asked her if she was a student and if she was using her NetID and NetID password. The problem appeared to be the latter and she thanked me for my services.
This week’s class opened my eyes to some new facilities that are appearing on campus. We first visited the Testing Center in Frey Hall. As of now, it is not open to the public and is used for certain classes and students for testing, hence its name. Those who are taking placement tests will be placed here. However, if this location is not successful, it may become a SINC Site. We then made our way upstairs to the third floor, where we were greeted by Diana. We sat in a conference room where some people have satellite classes. I really liked the room because of its new modern design and technology. The class really liked the power outlets. When Diana sat us down, she said she needs out input for the future of TLT. She showed us the new designs for NRR on the two TV’s. I really like the designs, it was very modern and had splashes of color. I like how they are utilizing the natural sunlight that people overlook on the second floor. However, I would like to see bigger tables for studying in the future. Check it out here: http://library.stonybrook.edu/about-us/library-renovation/renovation-updates/

Quote of the week!