Comments on last two projects

I veered a little bit away from my initial plan for Project 3, as I was getting a little bored messing with just the colored lights. Instead, I decided to see how just one small pop of color could change the mood or association of a photo. I had my model wear white and used high-key lighting, and switched out various colored hair accessories throughout the shoot. The background was a little hard to work with, as it was just the white board behind all the rollpaper, but some cropping and editing make it okay.

I did stick with my original subject matter for the Final Project, but I did not end up using film. I did actually shoot about half a roll of film for it, but I was waiting to get some specific shots and was not sure if I would have the time to finish shooting AND get in the darkroom to develop the film and make prints. So, I switched over to digital and tried to create a similar effect to the 3200 speed film by messing with the photos a little bit during editing, through the blur and sharpen tools and the unsharp mask to create that bit of gritty noise I wanted from the film.

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