Summer Training School in Observations of Cloud and Precipitation

Summer Training School in Observations of Cloud and Precipitation

Sunday June 4 – Friday June 9, 2023,
Stony Brook University, NY
Organized by the Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National
Laboratory Radar Observatory (SBRO)

The summer training school event is designed to be hands on. Daily
activities include two keynote lectures in the morning, followed by
5 hours of group research activity. The students will visit the SBRO
facilities and instruments to gain knowledge about operations. The
trainees will learn:
• How to use the mm-wavelength radar data for atmospheric science
• How to use multi-sensor, multi-wavelength radar data to study cloud
microphysics and dynamics.
• Open to undergraduate and graduate students in atmospheric science
• The application package includes: a one-page motivation letter,
one recommendation letter, and a résumé
• Send to:
• Deadline: Feb. 10, 2023


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