
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Oue, M., B.A. Colle, S. E. Yuter, P. Yeh, L. Tomkins, 2024: Microscale Updrafts Within the U.S. Northeast Coastal Snowstorms Using High-Resolution Cloud Radar Measurements. Mon.  Wea. Rev., 152, 865–889,

Lamer, K., Kollias, P., Luke, E. P., Treserras, B. P., Oue, M., & Dolan, B. (2023). Multisensor agile adaptive sampling (MAAS): A methodology to collect radar observations of convective cell life cycle. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.

Dolan, B., Kollias, P., van den Heever, S. C., Rasmussen, K. L., Oue, M., Luke, E., et al. (2023). Time resolved reflectivity measurements of convective clouds. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105723.

Tobin, D. M., M. R. Kumjian, M. Oue, and P. Kollias, 2023: Refreezing of Partially Melted Hydrometeors: Polarimetric Radar Observations and Microphysical Model Simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 80, 725–741

Carlin, J. T., Dunnavan, E. L., Ryzhkov, A. V., and Oue, M., 2023: Impacts of Vertical Nonuniform Beam Filling on the Observability of Secondary Ice Production due to Sublimation, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40(1), 65-84.

Oue, M., Saleeby, S. M., Marinescu, P. J., Kollias, P., and van den Heever, S. C. , 2022: Optimizing radar scan strategies for tracking isolated deep convection using observing system simulation experiments, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 4931–4950,

Skow, A., Poellot, M., Delene, D., Askelson, M., North, K., and Oue, M. , 2022: A Multi-Platform In Situ Kinematic and Microphysical Analysis of a Hybrid Parallel–Trailing Stratiform Mesoscale Convective System, Monthly Weather Review, 150(4), 927-948.

Kollias, P., Palmer, R., Bodine, D., Adachi, T., Bluestein, H., Cho, J. Y. N., Griffin, C., Houser, J., Kirstetter, P. E., Kumjian, M. R., Kurdzo, J. M., Lee, W. C., Luke, E. P., Nesbitt, S., Oue, M., Shapiro, A., Rowe, A., Salazar, J., Tanamachi, R., Tuftedal, K. S., Wang, X., Zrnic, D., and Puigdomenech Treserras, B., 2022: Science Applications of Phased Array Radars. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(10), E2370-E2390. doi:

Oue, M., Kollias, P., Matrosov, S. Y., Battaglia, A., and Ryzhkov, A. V., 2021: Analysis of the microphysical properties of snowfall using scanning polarimetric and vertically pointing multi-frequency Doppler radars, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 4893–4913,

Lamer, K., M. Oue, A. Battaglia, R. J. Roy, K. B. Cooper, R. Dhillon, and P. Kollias, 2021: Multifrequency radar observations of clouds and precipitation including the G-band, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 3615–3629,

Kumjian, M. R., D. M. Tobin, M. Oue, and P. Kollias, Microphysical Insights into Ice Pellet Formation Revealed by Fully Polarimetric Ka-band Doppler Radar. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., doi:

Kollias, P., E. Luke, M. Oue, and K. Lamer, 2020: Agile adaptive radar sampling of fast-evolving atmospheric phenomena guided by satellite imagery and surface cameras. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, e2020GL088440.

Oue, M., A. Tatarevic, P. Kollias, D. Wang, K. Yu, and A. M. Vogelmann, 2020: The Cloud Resolving Model Radar Simulator (CR-SIM) Version 3.3: Description and Applications of a Virtual Observatory, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 1975–1998,

Kollias, P., N. Bharadwaj, E.E. Clothiaux, K. Lamer, M. Oue, J. Hardin, B. Isom, I. Lindenmaier, A. Matthews, E.P. Luke, S.E. Giangrande, K. Johnson, S. Collis, J. Comstock, and J.H. Mather, 2020: The ARM Radar Network: At the Leading Edge of Cloud and Precipitation Observations. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101, E588–E607,

Borque, P., S.W. Nesbitt, R.J. Trapp, S. Lasher-Trapp, and M. Oue, 2020: Observational Study of the Thermodynamics and Morphological Characteristics of a Midlatitude Continental Cold Pool Event. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 719–737,

Chen, Y.-S., J. Y. Harrington, J. Verlinde, F. Zhang, M. Oue, 2020: Dynamical response of an Arctic mixed‐phase cloud to ice precipitation and downwelling longwave radiation from an upper‐level cloud. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031089.

Endo, S., D. Zhang, A. M. Vogelmann, P. Kollias, K. Lamer, M. Oue, H. Xiao W. I. Gustafson Jr., and D. M. Romps, 2019: Reconciling differences between large-eddy simulations and Doppler-lidar observations of continental shallow cumulus cloud-base vertical velocity. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.

Oue, M., P. Kollias, A. Shapiro, A. Tatarevic, and T. Matsui, 2019: Investigation of observational error sources in multi-Doppler-radar three-dimensional variational vertical air motion retrievals, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 1999-2018,

Ghate, V.P., P. Kollias, S. Crewell, A.M. Fridlind, T. Heus, U. Löehnert, M. Maahn, G.M. McFarquhar, D. Moisseev, M. Oue, M. Wendisch, and C. Williams, 2019: The Second ARM Training and Science Application Event: Training the Next Generation of Atmospheric Scientists. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, ES5–ES9,

Kollias, P., D. J. McLaughlin, S. Frasier, M. Oue, E. Luke and A. Sneddon, “Advances and applications in low-power phased array X-band weather radars,” 2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18), Oklahoma City, OK, 2018, pp. 1359-1364, doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378762.

Oue, M., P. Kollias, A. Ryzhkov, and E. P. Luke, 2018: Towards exploring the synergy between cloud radar polarimetry and Doppler spectral analysis in deep cold precipitating systems in the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, DOI: 10.1002/2017JD027717.

North, K. W., M. Oue, P. Kollias, S. E. Giangrande, S. M. Collis, and C. K. Potvin, 2017: Vertical air motion retrievals in deep convective clouds using the ARM scanning radar network in Oklahoma during MC3E. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 10, 2785-2806, doi: 10.5194/amt-10-2785-2017.

Jiang, Z., M. Oue, J. Verlinde, E. E. Clothiaux, K. Aydin, and G. Botta, 2016: What do we know about aspect ratios of aggregates? J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., vol. 56, 725-734, doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0248.1.

M. Oue, P. Kollias, K. W. North, A. Tatarevic, S. Endo, A. M. Vogelmann, and W. I. Gustafson Jr., 2016: Estimation of cloud fraction profile in shallow convection using a scanning cloud radar. Geophys. Res. Letters, 43,10998–11006, doi: 10.1002/2016GL070776.

Kalesse, H., G. de Boer, A. Solomon, M. Oue, M. Ahlgrimm, D. Zhang, M. Shupe, E. Luke, and A. Protat, 2016: Understanding rapid changes in phase partitioning between cloud liquid and ice in stratiform mixed-phase clouds: An Arctic Case Study. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 4805-4826, doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-16-0155.1.

Wen, G., M. Oue, A. Protat, J. Verlinde, and H. Xia, 2016: Ice particle type identification for shallow Arctic mixed-phase clouds using X-band polarimetric radar. Atmos. Res., vol. 182, 114-131, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.07.015.

Ohigashi, T, K. Tsuboki, and M. Oue, 2016: Cloud-top supercooled liquid droplets in stratiform clouds observed during winter in inland Hokkaido, Japan. SOLA, vol. 12, 140−145, doi:10.2151/sola.2016-030.

Oue, M., M. Galletti, J. Verlinde, A. Ryzhkov, and Y. Lu, 2016: Use of X-band differential reflectivity measurements to study shallow Arctic mixed-phase clouds. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., vol. 55, 403-424, doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0168.1.

Kouketsu, T., H. Uyeda, T. Ohigashi, M. Oue, H. Takeuchi, T. Shonoda, K. Tsuboki, M. Kubo, and K. Muramoto, 2015: A hydrometeor classification method for X-band polarimetric radar: Construction and validation focusing on solid hydrometeors under moist environment. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., vol. 32, 2052-2074, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00124.1.

Oue, M., T. Ohigashi, K. Tsuboki, and E. Nakakita, 2015: Vertical distribution of precipitation particles in Baiu frontal stratiform intense rainfall around Okinawa Island, Japan. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 120, 5622–5637, doi: 10.1002/2014JD022712.

Oue, M., M. R. Kumjian, Y. Lu, J. Verlinde, K. Aydin, and E. E. Clothiaux, 2015: Linear depolarization ratios of columnar ice crystals in a deep precipitating system over the Arctic observed by zenith-pointing Ka-band Doppler radar. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., vol. 54, 1060-1068, doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0012.1.

Oue, M., M. R. Kumjian, Y. Lu, Z. Jiang, E. E. Clothiaux, J. Verlinde, and K. Aydin, 2015: X-band polarimetric and Ka-band Doppler spectral radar observations of a graupel-producing Arctic mixed-phase cloud. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., vol. 54, 1335-1351, doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-14-0315.1.

Oue, M., K. Inagaki, T. Shinoda, T. Ohigashi, T. Kouketsu, M. Kato, K. Tsuboki, and H. Uyeda, 2014: Polarimetric Doppler radar analysis of orientation of a stationary rainband with changing orientations in July 2010. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, vol. 92, 457–481, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2014-503.

Oue, M., H. Uyeda and D.-I. Lee, 2011: Raindrop size distribution parameters estimated from polarimetric radar variables in convective cells around Okinawa Island during the Baiu period. Asia-Pacific J. of Atmos. Sci., vol. 47(1), 33–44, doi:10.1007/s13143-011-1003-x.

Oue, M., H. Uyeda and Y. Shusse, 2010: Two types of precipitation particle distribution in convective cells accompanying a Baiu frontal rainband around Okinawa Island, Japan. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 115, D02201, doi: 10.1029/2009JD011957.


Synergistic Activities

Organizer/Lecturer of the Short Course on Cloud Microphysics and Radar Observations

Organizer/Lecturer of the Summer School in mm-Wavelength Radar  Observations of Clouds

Associate Editor of the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences in 2021 – 2024

Organizer of a workshop on Cloud Resolving Radar Simulator (CR-SIM) held in Leipzig Institute for Meteorology, September, 2019

Lecturer at the 2019 JOYCE Summer School

Lecturer at the 2018 ARM Summer Training and Science Applications Event

Member of a review panel of DOE ASR

Lead scientist of raindrop size distribution AMIE-Gan Ancillary Disdrometer observation in 2012


Data and codes

Oue, M., et al. 2023. ESCAPE: CHIVO Radar Data. Version 0.1 [PRELIMINARY]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. Accessed 09 Jul 2024.

Oue, M, BP Treserras, EP Luke, and P Kollias. 2023. CSAPR2 Optimized Convective Cell Tracking Data during TRACER. U.S. Department of Energy, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement user facility, Richland, Washington. DOE/SC-ASR-23-001.


Conference Session Chairs

Program committee of 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology “Microphysical Studies with Radars,” September 16-20, 2019, Nara, Japan,

Cochair of 18th Conference on Mesoscale processes, July 28 – August 1, Savannah, GA

Breakout Session “From Models to Virtual Observatories using Simulators,” 2017 ARM/ASR PI Meeting, March 13 – 17, 2017,

Breakout Session “End-to-end Forward Simulators,” 2018 ARM/ASR PI Meeting, March 19 – 23, 2018,


Conference Presentations

Yan, J., M. Oue, P. Kollias, and E. Luke, 2024: Investigations of Microphysical Processes in US Northeast Coast Winter Storms Using Millimeter-Wavelength Cloud Radar Measurements. American Meteorological Society 104th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD & Online, January 28-February 1 2024

Oue, M., S. M. Saleeby, P. J. Marinescu, B. Dlan, P. Kollias, B. P. Treserras, E. P. Luke, S. C. van den Heever, 2023:           Characteristics of convective cell evolution using C-band radar high-temporal resolution cell tracking observations at Houston, TX, during the TRACER field campaign. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 11-15 December 2023.

Oue, M. A. V. Ryzhkov, S. Matrosov, P. Bukovcic, P. Kollias, 2023, A synthesis of polarimetric and dual-frequency radar observations of winter storms for estimating ice water conten. 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August–01 September 2023, Minneapolis, MN

Oue, M., B. P. Treserras, E. Luke, J. Barr, Z. Mages, P. Borque, K. Lamer, P. Kollias, S. M. Saleeby, P. Marinescu, and S. C. van den Heever, 2023, Characteristics of deep convective cells observed by high-temporal, high-vertical resolution cell tracking using C-band polarimetric radars. ACPC workshop, Houston, TX, 17-19 May 2023.

Oue, M., B. P. Treserras, E. Luke, J. Barr, Z. Mages, P. Borque, K. Lamer, and P. Kollias, 2023, CSAPR2 high-temporal, high-vertical resolution cell tracking during TRACER. TRACER workshop, Houston, TX, 16-17 May 2023.

Leghart, E., B. Colle, M. Oue, E. Luke, and P. Kollias, 2023: Enhanced Layers of Spectrum Width Within Northeast U.S. Coastal Storms and Their Relationship with Precipitation Structures. 20th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, American Meteorological Society, Madison, WI, July 17-21 2023, oral.

Oue, M., B. Colle, S. Yuter, P. Yeh, and L. Thomkins, 2023: Microscale Updrafts Within the U.S. Northeast Coastal Snowstorms Using High-Resolution Cloud Radar Measurements. 20th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, American Meteorological Society, Madison, WI, July 17-21 2023, oral, online.

Krueger, S., G. Mace, X. Li, and M. Oue. 2023: Oscillating Open-Cell Convection in Marine Cold-Air Outbreaks with Snow. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Denver, CO,  January 8 – 12 2023, oral

Oue, M., S. M. Saleeby, K. Tuftedal, J. Barr, P. J. Marinescu, B. P. Treserras, E. P. Luke, P. Kollias, S. C. van den Heever, 2022: Examining Impacts of Aerosols on Convective Cell Evolution Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations and Radar Cell Tracking Observations. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, 12-16 December 2022.

Barr, L. M. Oue, E. P. Luke, B. P Treserras, and P. Kollias, 2022, Agile Adaptive Polarimetric Radar Observations of Isolated Convective Cells from the TRACER and ESCAPE field campaigns. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, 12-16 December 2022.

P. Jensen, P. Kollias, D. Wang, S. E. Giangrande, S. van den Heever, S. M. Saleeby, E. P Luke, S. Gupta, A. J Drager, J. Fan, and M. Oue, 2022, Summary of Deep Convective Cloud Cases Observed During the TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) Intensive Operational Period. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, 12-16 December 2022.

Oue, M., B. Colle, S. Yuter, P. Yeh, and L. Thomkins, 2022: Characteristics of Microscale Updrafts in Snow Storms Accompanying Snow Bands Along the U.S. Northeast Coast Using High-Resolution Cloud Radar Observations. NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting; Boulder, CO, July 26-28 2022.

Leghart, E., B. Colle, M. Oue, E. Luke, and P. Kollias, 2022: Characteristics of Enhanced Spectrum Width Layers, and their Relationship to Vertical Shear and Ice Crystal Growth. NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting; Boulder, CO, July 26-28 2022, poster, online.

Leghart, E., B. Colle, M. Oue, E. Luke, P. Kollias, and K. Tuftedal, 2022: Multifrequency Radar Observations of Precipitation and Turbulent Structures within East Coast Winter Storms. Northeast Regional Operational Workshop in Albany, NY November 2-3 2022.

Colle, B. M. Oue, S. Yuter, P. Yeh, and L. Thomkins, 2022: Characteristics of Microscale Updrafts in Snow Storms Accompanying Snow Bands Along the U.S. Northeast Coast Using High-Resolution Cloud Radar Observations. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; Chicago, IL, December 12-16 2022, oral, online.

Leghart, E., B. Colle, M. Oue, E. Luke, and P. Kollias, 2022: An Investigation of Turbulence and Microphysical Variations Within Winter Storms as Identified by Enhanced Spectrum Width Layers from a Ka-Band Radar. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; Chicago, IL, December 12-16 2022, poster.

Oue, M., Kollias, P., Matrosov, S. Y., Battaglia, A., and Ryzhkov, A. V., 2021: Analysis of the microphysical properties of snowfall using scanning polarimetric and vertically pointing multi-frequency Doppler radars. 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 31 August – 3 September 2021, online. (oral)

Oue, M., P. Kollias, B. A. Colle, A. Ryzhkov, J. Mead: Ka-band Radar Polarimetric and Doppler Spectrum Measurements for Snowbands Along the U.S. Northeast Coast. 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology,  September 16-20, 2019, Nara, Japan. (oral)

Oue, M., B. A. Colle, P. Kollias, A. Ryzhkov : Microphysical Characteristics of Snowbands Along the U.S. Northeast Coast Using in Situ Surface and Radar Observations. 18th Conference on Mesoscale Processes Meteorology,  July 28 – August 1, Savannah, GA. (oral)

Oue, M, P. Kollias,  A. Tatarevic,  K. North,  T. Matsui,  A. M. Fridlind,  D. Wang,  K. Yu, State of 3D Convective Vertical Velocity Retrievals at the ARM Sites: Challenges, Uncertainties and Future Recommendations, 2018 Joint ARM User Facility and ASR PI Meeting. (poster)

Oue, M., P. Kollias, A. Tatarevic, K. W. North, A. M. Fridlind: Capabilities and uncertainties of polarimetric measurements and vertical velocity retrievals: An investigation using a radar simulator. Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Workshop, 3 – 6 April 2018
University of Colorado, Boulder. (oral)

Oue, M., P. Kollias, E. P. Luke, A. Ryzhkov: A New Ka-Band Scanning Radar Facility: Polarimetric and Doppler Spectra Measurements of Snow Events. AGU Fall Meeting, A31G-2270, New Orleans 11-15 December, 2017. (poster)

Oue, M., P. Kollias, E. P. Luke, A. Ryzhkov: Synergy between cloud radar polarimetry and Doppler spectral analysis in ice and mixed-phase clouds. 38th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 18B.1, August 28 – September 1, 2017. (oral)

Oue, M., P. Kollias, A. Tatarevic: Cloud Resolving Model Radar SIMulator (CR-SIM): Latest Updates and Applications. The 7th Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, March 13-17, 2017. (poster, oral)

Oue, M., P. Kollias, Z. Jiang, E. Clothiaux, and J. Verlinde: Ka/W-band SACR-2 Spectral and polarimetric measurements of Arctic mixed-phase clouds at the NSA Oliktok site. The 7th Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, May 2-5, 2016. (poster, oral)

Oue, M., Y. Lu, L. Simpfendoerfer, J. Verlinde, E. E. Clothiaux, K. Aydin, and T. Garrett: Characteristics of ice particles in an Arctic deep mixed-phase cloud observed by the X-SAPR and KAZR at Barrow. The 6th Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, March 16-19, 2015. (poster)

Oue, M., M. R. Kumjian, J. Verlinde, E. E. Clothiaux, Y. Lu, Z. Jiang, K. Aydin, A. Ryzhkov, M. Galletti., and N. Bharadwaj: NSA X-SAPR and KAZR observations for retrieval of ice particle types in Arctic mixed-phase clouds. 2014 Atmospheric System Research Fall Group Meeting, November 17-20, 2014. (oral)

Oue, M., J. Verlinde, E. Clothiaux, and K. Aydin: X-band polarimetric radar observations of an Arctic shallow boundary layer cloud. The 5th Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, March 10-13, 2014. (oral, poster)

Oue, M., M. Galletti., and J. Verlinde: Ice Crystals in Arctic Mixed-phase Clouds Observed by an X-band Polarimetric Radar. 2013 Atmospheric System Research Fall Group Meeting, November 4-8, 2013. (oral)

Oue, M., M. Galletti., and J. Verlinde: IOP for X-SAPR at NSA in May 2013. ARM/ASR Radar Workshop, November 3, 2013. (oral)

Oue, M., J. Verlinde, J. Harrington, and E. E. Clothiaux: X-, Ka-, and W-band Radar Observations of Precipitating Clouds in the Arctic. 36th Conference on Radar Meteorology, p. 301, September 16-20, 2013. (poster)

Oue, M., J. Verlinde, J. Harrington, and E. E. Clothiaux: Mesoscale Structure of a Frontal Snow System around Barrow, Alaska: An Observational and Modeling Study. Radiation & Climate Gordon Research Conference, July 7-12, 2013. (poster)

Oue, M., J. Verlinde, J. Harrington, K. Sulia, and E. E. Clothiaux: Mesoscale Structure of a Frontal Snow System around Barrow, Alaska: An Observational and Modeling Study. 4th Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, March 18-21, 2013. (poster)

Oue, M., T. Ohigashi, K. Tsuboki, T. Shinoda, T. Kouketsu, H. Uyeda, H. Minda and E. Nakakita: Microphysical Structure of Stratiform Precipitation around Okinawa Island during the Baiu Period of 2011. AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012, Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012, AS32-D3-PM2-Pis4-017, p55, August 13-17, 2012. (oral)

Oue, M., H. Uyeda, T. Ohigashi, T. Kouketsu and F. Mizutani: Airflow structure of clear-air and precipitation echoes observed by an X-band Doppler radar over the Nobi Plain in Japan in the summer of 2010. 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Pittsburgh, PA, September 26 – 30, 2011. (poster)

Oue, M., K. Inagaki, T. Shinoda, T. Kouketsu, T. Ohigashi, M. Kato, K. Tsuboki, H. Uyeda: Structure of heavy precipitation system in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, on 15 July 2010 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2011 Annual Meeting, Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, AOGS 8th Annual Meeting 2011 AS06-D3-PM2-P-022, p116, 9-12 Aug. 2011. (poster)

Oue, M., K. Inagaki, T. Shinoda, T. Kouketsu, T. Ohigashi, M. Kato, K. Tsuboki, and H. Uyeda: Structure of a heavy precipitation system in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, on 15 July 2010. Conference on MCSs and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-VIII), Nagoya, Japan, Proceedings, pp248-251, March 7-9, 2011. (oral)

Oue, M., and H. Uyeda: Raindrop size distribution parameters estimated from polarimetric variables in convective cells around Okinawa Island during the Baiu period. Conference on MCSs and High-Impact Weather/Climate in East Asia (ICMCS-VII), Seoul, Korea, November 11-13, 2009.(oral)

Oue, M., H. Uyeda, and Y. Shusse: Characteristics of precipitation physics in the convective cells in a humid environment. 15th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Cancun, Mexico, July 7-11, 2008. (poster)

Oue, M., H. Uyeda, and Y. Shusse: Polarimetric parameters and raindrop size distribution of convective cells associated with the Baiu frontal rainband. Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia (ICMCS-VI), Taipei, Taiwan, Proceeding Abstract, 76-77, Proceeding, pp205-209 (in PDF file), Nov 6-9, 2007. (oral)